Month: September 2018

    New York City

    In 2012, new charges rates apply for catering overhead and overnight packages benefit from overseas business. While in Kosovo, as well as in the cities of New York City (United States) now standard amounts for meals more expenses and accommodation costs laid down Atlanta, Chicago, you abolished it for the cities of Copenhagen (Denmark), Tel Aviv (Israel), Blantyre (Malawi) and Lagos (Nigeria). The amounts of the respective countries apply there now. Business travellers can enjoy in New York over a significantly higher overnight package. In Hong Kong you get paid less food more but also a higher overnight package though.

    Brazil, Denmark and Sweden classified in the countries with increased respect. In Brazil you get currently 53 euro Board overhead for a stay at least 24 hours. An increase of 15 euro! Also the accommodation fee rises to 30 euros to 160 euros. But who has actually how they tax claims to make a claim on the packages, and the employer is obliged to pay the packages? Workers do not have a legal claim on the overhead of the catering and the accommodation package. It is generally a voluntary service of the employer. This means that if you have a nice head they get paid, the packages may even though they had no cost because he has invited you to dinner. Unfortunately, this case is rather the exception, because companies reimburse costs actually incurred or the flat rates for boarding overhead and accommodation cost in most cases. Fortunately, workers have the opportunity to drop off catering overhead than advertising cost of the tax.

    If your employer so want refund no Board overhead, then get back your money on the tax return. This is only for the Board overhead. You can’t do the overnight package tax claim. Entrepreneurs, however, have generally no overnight packages, they must demonstrate their actual accommodation costs then as operating costs from tax to do it always with documents. A revision of the tax law has ensured in 2008. Before 2008 it managed to get in principle still the high overnight rates for business travel abroad as an independent contractor from tax. These were Golden times for business entrepreneurs. He can make the packages for accommodation expenses that the contractor will pay its employees, not tax claims. He can deduct only detectable accommodation expenses from the tax. Generally more and more increasing tax and tax, business travel. Even more, it is important that workers and employers are well informed and give away any money or get in trouble with employees. Because mobility is the key word for success at the present time, so you need business travel freely possible and may bring no disadvantage, for either workers or entrepreneurs.

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    Fuel Oil Price Today

    Rising crude oil prices LEIPZIG also provide increased costs in this country. (Ceto) Crude oil prices further expanded their gains at the beginning of the week. In addition to positive economic data from China and European exchanges were good mood among investors. For heating oil consumers in Germany brought this back premiums to? now 6 day in Folge.Die crude oil prices, also today again only one direction knew upwards. Compared with the end of the day Friday both reference types to around a US dollar per barrel grew and reached the highest value since about a month. There are several reasons for the sustained price increases. Stock exchanges in Asia and Europe today, as already on Friday, shot firmly into the plus and moved the oil prices.

    Support was also that a large import pipeline, providing daily 670,000 barrels of Canada in the United States is currently closed so that there could be shortages in the US light oil places WTI. Moreover, it seems only now Hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico to start properly and to restrict the local production capacity. In consequence of this development could occur for the first time since February of this year to a significant reduction in the crude oil reserves in the United States. It remains generally in a hyper-powered market situation. The range of stocks in OECD countries rose to 61.4 days in July and approaching the record levels reached 12 years ago”, says commodity analyst Eugen Weinberg of Commerzbank research. The cost of heating oil in Germany followed crude oil prices again weak demand. They got on the 6th day of this week, amounting to 19 cents to 69.00 euros for the 100-litre batch heating oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

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    Tax Code

    This accounting treatment of these funds does not apply to the acquisition by this source of depreciable property. If this occurs, the funds received are recorded as revenue as the recognition of the cost of depreciable property. In case of violation of the conditions for obtaining funds provided by the new state received the full amount reflected in the income tax period in which the violation. If after the third period, the tax amount received funds in question, exceeds the amount of expenditures reported, actually made from this source, the difference between these sums in full reflected in the composition of the non-operating income tax period. From 01.01.2010 PIT revenue is not recognized by the borrower (his successor) indebtedness under the credit agreement, accrued interest and recognized by the court fines, penalties, amortization lender beneficiary at the expense of the insurance benefit. These are insurance contracts entered into by the borrower in case of death or disability, as well as property insurance contracts is to ensure borrower's obligations (mortgage).

    Provided that the exemption from personal income tax applies only to the amount of debt the borrower, accrued interest and penalties recognized by the court (new paragraph 48.1 of Art. 217 Tax Code). This change does not apply to employers as tax agents, and therefore should not be reflected in the "salary" programs. Electronic VAT invoices – in the future Tax Code now provides for the possibility preparation and invoicing electronically. Law 229FZvneseny changes to Article 169 NKRF. Invoices can be prepared in electronic form by mutual agreement of the parties of the transaction and if they have compatible technical means and facilities for reception and processing of invoices in accordance with established formats and procedures.

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    City Hall Gallery Nestle Hall

    Custom awnings for outdoor City Hall Gallery Nestle sunblinds home Colt international on the curves of the roof construction and provide protection from direct sunlight in extensive daylight received and good review by outside. The new Swiss owners, Credit Suisse, the recent renovation of the traditional City Hall Gallery in food called revitalization”. Known previously as City Center Shopping Centre Ruhr area conveniently was also an attractive canopy of glass space. From the outside, Nestle sunblinds home Colt international on the curves of the roof construction and provide protection from direct sunlight in extensive daylight received and good review by outside. As well on the new roof of the Town Hall square as the visitors to the Town Hall Gallery offers Atrium shading for City Hall Gallery in food the citizens of Essen. Can a unzerzaust since spring 2010 and protected their weather drops Do authorities in the municipal town hall. The others have pleasure of unadulterated shopping sprees under the bright roof vaults.

    This is because that the glass arched were equipped with a made-to-measure awnings from aluminium fins. So all users are doubly protected: from the weather as well as before an excess of sunlight and heat related. The glass arched were equipped with a bespoke awnings made of aluminium fins and perforated sunblinds. Perforated Sonnenschutzamellen for a subtle shading of the construction history of the Town Hall Gallery is over 25 years old. With the generous canopy of central areas in the 30,000-square-foot shopping center, the decisive step was the builders last year but in a new era. The shopping has become comfortable and chic, representing a vital connection between the Essen city centre and the Town Hall since time immemorial. In terms of Stay at quality wanted to go the architects Heinle, wiper and partners from food safe and decided to cooperate with Colt international.

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