Sculptures And Paintings To Watch, Think, And Wonder About
Wochenendausstellung ‘ time witness nature ‘ in Donauworth, one makes their works made of wood, stone and Stahl international of talk. The other boasts large screen images as well as with small, fine painted diary entries, his images of the day. Together to find Tanja Roder and Gerhard Marquard now when the Wochenendausstellung are time witnesses”in the final arsenal. At the opening on Friday, the 16th of March at 19:00 and on exhibition days Saturday and Sunday, are 17th and 18th March, each from 10:00 until 18:00 shows: Two very different artists can be quite some connect. “The theme of man and the intense closeness to nature both have together some exhibits look as if they had created together”, gallery owner Daniela Portner, who has designed the exhibition reveals.
Portner Gallery art universe since 2009 in book village resident is known for exhibitions with flair, such as in the Botanical Garden of Augsburg or in the rectory of Gempfing. The exhibition in the Zeughaus is the double premiere: is type universe in Donauworth to guest for the first time and for the first time the two award-winning artist Marquard and Roder exhibit side by side. Gerhard Marquard, residing in Landsberg am Lech, outlined much outdoor, get inspiration from nature for his work and most recently made headlines with its images of the day. Since 2011 Marquard holds daily contemporary, seen and felt in an image, 1000 uniques are to be built in 1000 days. Tanja Roder nature is for artistic model, material donor and art room at the same time; some of her sculptures grace public plazas. The sculptor, whose Figuren are often life-sized, always but emotion – and peppy, a standing open to the visitors gallery sculpture garden in their adopted land of Pfaffenhofen has since 2008.