Adriana Salazar
A small action every day aligned to your values and those of the company, that major actions very occasionally is better. Adriana Salazar while remain alive and interrelated with everything that integrates the planet Earth, the movement, the dynamics will be always manifesting itself, generating, giving way to changes that in any way affect sample behavior, personality, learning. We must know, that should prepare couple face the changes, take advantage of the opportunities that it provides according to our growth. We cannot ignore the fact that the changes will always be and that it will require of us actions, responses to tackle it successfully change is implicit in us. We pass through different stages of growth from childhood, childhood, youth, maturity, aging and we must be prepared to do so, optimize your reach, impact generated in pro take the necessary advantage. Us remembers and says Adriana Salazar, that the trend of changes for its dynamism, introduces initially an imbalance in the different environments that are present; imbalances that tend to be seen as a crisis or emergency, which have the mobilizing effect of efforts to restore the new order or status.
So renew thought patterns and behaviors, where duration or permanence of States of acceptance (openness to change) or rejection (rebelliousness with respect to new guidelines and forms) will depend on the strength that are available, both in the emotional, experiential as educational. The presence of these events, some unexpected, other forced, is switched on the multiple intelligences that accompany man. If you are not convinced, visit Publishers Clearing House. In some cases, we take conscience from the elaboration of sequential associations of facts, drawing conclusions that we then subject to validation by means of reason; other acts emotional intelligence by mobilizing us floor or fundamentalism about our conception of life: in others, acting strictly rational intelligence, or the intuitive where the reason loses significance giving processes high human quality, since they occur from the inside, from the internality of man No wonder for example, what we bequeathed Norberto Levy, when he says, that we evolve, we go through a life cycle and is inherent to that condition of changing beings in time experience today a feeling or a thought different from yesterday.