1. Determine the shape of the desired label. If the label is the right angles, it is rectangular. These labels will be located close to each other on a sheet or a roll. If the label has rounded corners, circular, an oval or other shape, it is figured. These labels are located at a distance of 2 mm from each other. 2. Specify the dimensions of the required label.
Size self-adhesive labels should be specified in centimeters. Size Shape label is determined by the size of the rectangle in which they can be included. The maximum size of stickers 96h60 cm 3. Select a label basis. The basis is the sticker adhesive tape or paper. From the available list select from the following material: film transparent, white, metallic, color (choosing the color of the film should specify the desired color). 4.
Specify the number of colors. In automatic mode, the calculator makes the calculation with 50% fill area of the label. If the area of painting the labels more than 50%, then the manager will be included in the adjustments made by the calculation. 5. Specify the desired print run of labels. Auto Calculator calculates the cost of any circulation: from 1 piece to 99999999 pieces. After filling all the necessary settings, click “calculate” the cost of obtaining the required copies. Automatic calculator does not take the cost figures, “with ceiling. ” The basis of calculating the label (label manufacturing) based on the following options: self-adhesive material consumption, the amount of paint, the cost of printed forms, the production process.