Cathedral Art Gallery
From year to year in front of all the inhabitants transformed our city: becoming modern, comfortable, and its glorious past is regaining its deserved place in the spiritual life Chugueva and inspires today’s chuguevtsev to work in order to restore its former greatness. It happens not in itself but as a result of joint efforts by the authorities of the city and all patriots of their native land, on the right named after Pearl . On the eve of the city we are talking with Mayor Galina Minaev that good and useful has been done in the city and what should be done in the near future. The basis of all achievements, says Galina, is the revival of the spirit chuguevtsev. – City developed in accordance with its strategic development plan, which has developed and approved mass. Spiritual revival here – and the task and goal of all changes. Therefore, much attention is paid to rehabilitation and restoration of temples, museum development, empowerment of urban libraries, with each of the four branches which now operates the Internet Center. After years of efforts, returned to the believers the main shrine Chugueva – St.
Basil’s Cathedral. Decent form acquired Headquarters buildings of military settlements, where the building of the Cathedral Art Gallery moved to the winners prize. ie Repin. Restoration of the building provided an opportunity to withdraw from the basement Local History department of the museum and the city finally got renovated, European level of artistic and memorial museum Repin.