Christmas Images Gallery
How to: Christmas pictures with background music and transitions build on site no longer upload, and Christmas is just around the corner. Baking, crafting, reading – all include to to tune in to a calm and peaceful celebration. Of course, you will use your camera, Christmas scenes, all around your family and friends and other Interssantes to take up. And then? How you want to see other people this Christmas pictures? On MySpace, Twitter, Facebook… or on your own website, you can simply create Flash maker this Christmas images with photo and upload! Photo Flash maker is a slideshow & Photo Gallery, you can program with the Christmas background music, transitions and text on CD/DVD to burn photos and upload to social sites as well as MySpace, Twitter, Facebook… or your own website.
Photo Flash maker is very easy to use, with only three steps you can create finished already an amazing photo gallery. How to create Christmas pictures gallery on site step 1: Create the Flash slideshows with Photo Flash maker first you download Photo Flash Maker: download-photo-flash-maker.php (trial version), then install and start the slide show program and select photos and music, choose a basic or advanced template for your go to the publish and select the option “Create the Flash file”, click Photo slide show, to “Publish now”. After it is done, click on “Open output folder”. Step 2: The SWF file in the HTML site insert if you have selected basic template: open the HTML site with Dreamweaver or HTML editor and paste the .swf file directly in the HTML site. Or you can copy the code within .html file by up and insert them in HTML site. Read more… If you have chosen template to advanced: you open the Photo Flash maker Flash created file * * text or HTML editor.
Copy the tags of the Flash file by up to. This day shall ye and contain. Open the existing site and paste the wheelpant tags in the body of the Web page. To your Web server, upload the edited HTML website and all files in the folder (shown as above image in step 1). Put them in the same folder. Read more… So now we have with Photo Flash maker Christmas Images Gallery very easy and successful website uploaded.