Communal Paradise

    Yes, the emergence of a "communal flats" we owe the events happened in 1917. Just to make peace, the young Soviet Republic was faced with the problem of "quartering" returning from the fronts of the First World War. In addition, after the extreme impoverishment of the villages followed a massive exodus of rural residents in the city. Overpopulation problem has become acute in both capitals, and then in other large Russian cities. There was a lot of so- called "beskvartirnikov.

    These were people who essentially settled in through the rooms, hallways, closets, cellars and basements. Some took emergency hazardous locations. Those who are fortunate to have friends in town or relatives who lived in their kitchens. In a matter of urgency, Lenin created a draft decree "On the requisition of the rich flats to facilitate the needs of the poor", which will soon argue, giving it the status of law. According to this document, the rich flat recognized " every apartment in which the number of rooms equals or exceeds the number of souls of the population permanently living in this apartment." Another decree abolished private ownership of property. At the state level has legitimized the position that it is impossible for everyone to have a separate room. Began all-out "expropriation" of housing. Thus, in the past, 2007, "communal" celebrated, if I may say so, its 70 anniversary. To date, according to realtors and real estate market analysts in the secondary real estate market in the proportion of "communal" accounts for about 5% of offers to sell.

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