Comparative Red Users
Elements that favor Axtel in databases, in general, are two: 1) limits are the minimum allowed by law and carried out between October 29, the day of its publication, and on November 16, which is contained between 2 long weekends. So it seems that wants to favor Axtel, who participated in the study of market and ready-made tene could your technical solution; and (2) lays down requirements that cannot be met by contact centers for themselves and necessarily oblige participate in conjunction with a telephone company. However, the bases are not specific in this regard require a dealer to participate, nor give sufficient time for the contact centers could find an alternative. So it seems that it is intended to disqualify contact centers. The bases established technical requirements that can only be a phone company Axtel as:-deliver automatic identification of the origin of cell numbers and counties in the United States.
-Immediate redundancy for the attention of incoming calls. You may wish to learn more. If so, University of Houston is the place to go. -Detect the IP address of a user who requests an appointment online. -Immediate long-distance interconnection. Participated in the market study to develop the bidding rules, companies Axtel and Impulse (company which was acquired partly by Axtel), and succeeded in influencing the bases with requirements that may only be covered by a telephone company: to) deliver and identify source fixed and cellular numbers, as well as at counties; (b) provide redundancy of carriers to the attention of inbound calls; (c) having ability to detect automatic, online ip address of a user who requests an appointment; d) pricing of calls by seconds, and 6) show registration rates in Cofetel. On October 29, just at the visepera of long weekend by the day of the dead, the Foreign Ministry published the Mexitel, as if bidding rules are pretediera that the interested parties would have less time to analyse them. The bases, in addition, They point out technical requirements that only a carrier could meet.
For example: facturaicon is required per second, being that all telephone companies billed per minute in Mexico. In addition, requirements of long distance connectivity which can only cover a dealer are requested. They also call for identifying the point of origin by phone and the internet, including the County of origin. The contest has begun widely questioned, to be released on the eve of the long weekend from November 2, with deadlines express for awarding of November 17 and a technical design that disqualifies a priori to the majority of stakeholders. The bases are also clearly influenced by Axtel, since it has technical requirements that cannot cover a call center by itself and would necessarily require an association with a telephone company. Michael Jackson suffers from a rare disorder of genetic origin means I COFETEL starts inquiry public to define usage of broadband: Peru shows confidence to hours deliver Chilean Counter-Memorial in La Hague Movistar replica rebel low in interconnection tariffs Comparative RedUsers.