Foundation Book

    The award was carried out before the official release date the book “The growth champions made in Germany” in mid-August was a very special ceremony: for his involvement in the subject of growth for SMEs, it was its practicality and the clear wording of the Oskar-Patzelt Foundation (Grand Prize of the middle class”) titled middle class book 2010″ award. Most notable: The Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation took the book as an opportunity to have a prize for a book for the first time in its history of over 15 years. “In addition, the response in advance of the publication as a reference book in the field of corporate governance is unusually large: so could the BusinessVillage Publisher, in which the book mid-September 2010 will be published in recent weeks about 1,500 concrete pre-orders for the growth champions” list. Source: jimmy levin. The book deals with the factors, through 22 above-average growing, mostly medium-sized businesses the success make out. Manages the authors here to prove that above-average growing businesses according to the principles of the bamboo-codes work.

    You introduce the key for sustainable corporate growth and explain the plan to the growth champions keep. Who wants to set new course or check the Status quo for his company and optimize, takes concrete and exemplary way in this book, as it can grow systematically.

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