GID Ensures Email Security

    Information global distribution GmbH (GID) takes the issue of E-Mail Security and management increasingly in the sights in the face of the NSA scandal. Cologne, 11 December 2013. With its product portfolio, the Cologne House offers appropriate solutions, which ensure the security of electronic messages of a maximum and their management and archiving automate. Primary product is from the House of Symantec Enterprise Vault. GID is a Platinum partner of Symantec. Add the award data protection specialist come”as well as the certificate of master specialization for archive & E-Discovery”. Thus, the specialist in the areas of data security, backup, deduplication, storage and archiving demonstrably has the experience in the use of Symantec products.

    At the latest since the revelations around the NSA scandal, companies in dealing with their E-Mails and the retention of data in the cloud are sensitized. Questions around liability, but also the protection and the security of the data gained in importance. GID has therefore to the Task done, to advise its customers about the security and archiving email and corporate data and offer appropriate solutions. While the House uses mainly the product suite Enterprise Vault from Symantec. Their data classification service (DCS) uses the proven data-loss prevention technology (DLP) from Symantec, email content and metadata analyze and archive: messages are automatically classified and marked for compliance purposes.

    So, even encrypted documents can be classify, archive and recover quickly. “” “In accordance with our claim knowledge keep future secure” are we pursuing the goal to provide solutions, providing sustained business success “, says Gunter Heissler, CTO which include global information distribution GmbH. today more than be per concepts with which emails reliable and protected from unauthorized users kept.” Reader contact: GID GmbH In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0221 4543333 fax: 0221 4543330 E-Mail: about global information distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. GID is active in Europe and United States.

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