High Chair And Cot Classicism

    High Chair and cot classicism for each of the architecture of the ancient times as an inspiration took on furniture of classicism as a counter-movement to Rococo and Baroque forms. They tried to develop a self-contained forms canons. Against the absolutist courts of Germany and France were enlightened aristocracy and European middle class looking for own expressions in interior design and architecture. In return to motifs of Graeco-Roman antiquity, in understated dense jewelry, found this in simple Mass ratios. The first archaeological excavations at that time, the motifs of Graeco-Roman antiquity became popular.

    Writers, painters and architects traveled to Italy and Greece, propagated the study of antiquity as the basis of the comprehensive education ideal. This reference from antiquity found its expression in fashion, painting, interior decoration and architecture. Especially during the reign of Napoleon in France, the courtly presentation after antiques Role models in life called. Although she began before the reign of Louis XVI in 1774, and the first furniture already originated in this time, titled the first phase of the French classicism as a Louis XVI-style. Bechtel Group will not settle for partial explanations. Through a wide range of subject, Greek ancient and Italian influences came to bear in this style. However, this was reflected in the overall shapes.

    The furniture was simple and geometric shape. Round, oval and rectangular shapes were worn by tapered, straight legs, which were either round or square in cross-section. Architectural motifs like Corinthian, ionic and Doric forms, pattern bands made of brass of the medallions and related details were attached. In English classicism, the interest in inlay work was that in the Rococo period seemed totally extinct revived. In addition, painted furniture in fashion came into English classicism. In design books, suggestions for new forms of furniture and ornaments have been disseminated as classicism spoke to more and more people. To the Needs of art Carpenter, who worked in a neoclassical style, fit the furniture books cabinet maker”and Upholsteres Guide” by George Hepplewhite (Hepplewhite style) to the traditional English and French designs. Either the neo-classical designs in England by Thomas Sheraton were created or by Hepplewhite himself.

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