Hitchwiki Reached Article

    Milestone of 1000 articles is achieved the Hitchwiki, a free travel guide and for Hitchhikers, has reached the mark of 1000 English articles on September 16, 2008. The project started in 2005 and has grown steadily since. More than 400 Hitchhikers from all over the world, many of them from Germany, have more than 1500 articles in 7 languages written. The Hitchwiki is an international exchange centre for information about the hitchhiking in many countries around the world. It contains special tips for the hitchhiking in large cities and general information about equipment, safety and strategies to quickly and efficiently hitch forward reach.

    You will find also in the Hitchwiki personal profiles of backpackers, trip reports, photos, videos, discussion forums, and a world map with tramp points registered by the users. The concept of a wiki is to make possible effective public information and knowledge. Everyone can write their own articles and edit existing articles – and be it only to Typo fix. This concept brought a breakthrough success the encyclopedia Wikipedia. Also the growth of Hitchwikis is very promising. The milestone of 1000 articles symbolizes a return of hitchhikers culture.

    2006 the tramper freaky Association was tried in Germany founded, which network hitchhikers and making the hitchhiking again presentable. He has over 150 members. In many other countries, the hitchhiking is still an everyday means of transport. For many young travelers, the hitchhiking is the preferred method of travel. Not only because it is free and environmentally friendly, but also because it gives a special feeling of freedom and allows more contact with the local population. The European day of Hitchhiker in August 2008 150 Hitchhikers from all over Europe in Paris at the Eiffel Tower have met. This event was planned with the help of the Hitchwiki and carried out. For more information: Web:

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