Intersolar Europe
Intersolar Europe mass two-thirds of respondents biomass, solar and wind companies 2013 in Munich have no communication strategy, Cologne 11.06.2013. Only every third company in the renewable energy industry communicates strategically and purposefully. In particular PR managers of firms without a defined communication strategy complain about the missing concept and the lack of internal and financial support for communication activities. Although 74 percent of communication press and public relations consider important, but only a few of the companies surveyed provide a substantial budget for PR activities. Despite sales in the millions, it was half of the company at less than 10,000 euros per year.
These are the first results of the ongoing study communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”Kar communications. The Agency on renewable energy and technology issues since 2004 provides the first results and trends of the study for the first time in the context of the Intersolar Europe on June 20, 2013 11:00 The public before. For PR work only who is strategically success control, defines its objectives and target groups, and precise messages developed its special strengths, will succeed with its communication”agency Iris Krampitz is convinced. With our study we want to demonstrate our experience of nine years press work in the renewable energy industry, which raise awareness among industry for strategic media and public relations and find out how strategically biomass, solar and wind companies already communicate.” For this, the Cologne Agency also checks whether the messages of the companies with the right target groups arrive. Since April 2013, Krampitz communications questioned the entrusted by biomass, solar and wind companies to their press – and public relations. How successful the communication work is being studied in the second part of the study. The final results and reports will be published in the fourth quarter of 2013. Questionnaire online Company spokesman and professionals can participate in the anonymous study until July 15, 2013. The questionnaire is available at to download.