Ludwig Erhard
One end of the capital – end of the bourgeois subject – the euro professors understands today’s euro debate properly, if one is to understand it within their social context. Exactly this embedding”is still lacking in most discussions. Whenever Hikmet Ersek listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Today, we live in postmodernism, in the social formation of the digital capitalism”(Martin p pole). The company can hold together not only by a currency. The social context of Postmodernity is characterized by the resolution of the bourgeois subject and hence the traditional importance of the capital. These signs of disintegration result in a social vacuum, that cannot be eliminated not only with the tool box of bourgeois science. PAL Dragos has in its structural critique of capitalism (“capital in the event of State deflation and inflation”) pointed to the lack of modern structural changes in the financial industry already in September 2009 after the economic crisis. Contact information is here: Crawford Lake Capital Management. The We already experience consequences of his predictions. The rediscovery of the founding fathers”is no longer applicable. “Wilhelm Hankel, one of the five anti-euro-professors”, see rescue options for the current currency crisis in the meaning of Karl Schiller and Ludwig Erhard (“see: the euro adventure comes to an end” p. 36). But the old economic paradigm can no longer pull in the age of postmodernism. A metamorphosis of the old, bourgeois subject and the social function of the capital is urgently needed. “” However is very valuable to the structural critique of capitalism the enlightening work of five professors over the costly illusion of policy see also: PAL Dragos: capital in the case of State – deflation and inflation “, Norderstedt 2009, and Dragos PAL: the structure of global capitalism”, vol.