Marketing Tool

    Use wants to be well-planned – best advice from the outset saves money and time just seems the use of social media as a marketing tool for Germany’s medium-sized businesses and to be affordable, that is the commonly held opinion anyway. There arises but why, then, this way of advertising in today’s networked world yet so little is used. The barriers are apparently to overthrow, too high for most of the business here in the fray. “The study future of content” shows that many executives afraid to open their businesses for the modern forms of communication, the social media offers. 59 percent of those polled see this media even as danger! This fear, power to lose influence and control in particular. Who thinks so missed an important opportunity the chance to make more competitive to his company in the long term! Cornelia Euringer-Klose and Christian Furst are experts in the field of social media and advise customers of various industries. You know well the concerns of the business lines.

    We are often asked whether it makes sense to invest media culture in their own company in the construction of a social”, the two reports. In particular, the loss of control is the first obstacle on the way to a successful marketing with the help of new media. However, this loss of control is only felt and reverses when the exact look in the opposite direction. Because its own act on the Web means a gain in various areas: better listening and necessarily active authentic involvement on the platforms even allows, to improve its own products, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for the company eventually with the interlocutors in the social Web! Absolute control never will be even with the utmost care and highest costs even without social media! Now most of the entrepreneurs despite great misgivings is certain that social media marketing will occupy an important role in the marketing mix but. Problematic, the high time commitment for the care of the platforms is often seen. While many social media wish quickly resounding successes. Social-media engagement needs a smart plan, regular time and a continuous commitment to the success. And of the operator must be aware of”Euringer-Klose makes clear.

    Only with long-lasting usage can be obtained through the use of new media in the market. And because each company must decide for themselves whether it goes here. But it is worth at the end for all those who opt for a such a marketing channel with all the consequences, because the return is especially valuable: the chance to connect with the target groups directly in contact, to learn from her, to convince them, and ultimately perhaps even to inspire. “Prince puts it in a nutshell: only thus it is possible to participate in discussions around their products!” Cornelia Euringer-Klose and Christian Furst seminars for entrepreneurs are offered in social media an initial offer, expanding existing knowledge or help to develop individual solutions for companies. More information at C. Euringer-Klose

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