New York City

    In 2012, new charges rates apply for catering overhead and overnight packages benefit from overseas business. While in Kosovo, as well as in the cities of New York City (United States) now standard amounts for meals more expenses and accommodation costs laid down Atlanta, Chicago, you abolished it for the cities of Copenhagen (Denmark), Tel Aviv (Israel), Blantyre (Malawi) and Lagos (Nigeria). The amounts of the respective countries apply there now. Business travellers can enjoy in New York over a significantly higher overnight package. In Hong Kong you get paid less food more but also a higher overnight package though.

    Brazil, Denmark and Sweden classified in the countries with increased respect. In Brazil you get currently 53 euro Board overhead for a stay at least 24 hours. An increase of 15 euro! Also the accommodation fee rises to 30 euros to 160 euros. But who has actually how they tax claims to make a claim on the packages, and the employer is obliged to pay the packages? Workers do not have a legal claim on the overhead of the catering and the accommodation package. It is generally a voluntary service of the employer. This means that if you have a nice head they get paid, the packages may even though they had no cost because he has invited you to dinner. Unfortunately, this case is rather the exception, because companies reimburse costs actually incurred or the flat rates for boarding overhead and accommodation cost in most cases. Fortunately, workers have the opportunity to drop off catering overhead than advertising cost of the tax.

    If your employer so want refund no Board overhead, then get back your money on the tax return. This is only for the Board overhead. You can’t do the overnight package tax claim. Entrepreneurs, however, have generally no overnight packages, they must demonstrate their actual accommodation costs then as operating costs from tax to do it always with documents. A revision of the tax law has ensured in 2008. Before 2008 it managed to get in principle still the high overnight rates for business travel abroad as an independent contractor from tax. These were Golden times for business entrepreneurs. He can make the packages for accommodation expenses that the contractor will pay its employees, not tax claims. He can deduct only detectable accommodation expenses from the tax. Generally more and more increasing tax and tax, business travel. Even more, it is important that workers and employers are well informed and give away any money or get in trouble with employees. Because mobility is the key word for success at the present time, so you need business travel freely possible and may bring no disadvantage, for either workers or entrepreneurs.

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