Paper Bags
Currently, paper bags are not only packing but also support advertising. Beautiful and stylish paper bags can be found both in stores and boutiques, as well as exhibitions, presentations, conferences and forums. They are comfortable and draw the attention of potential buyers. to make beautiful and high quality paper bags, you can use a wide range of materials and technologies. Consider the Advantages the use of silk in the manufacture of paper bags. 1. Allows you to use virtually any range of material: Yes.
a variety of designer papers. b. synthetic paper. at. manifold design board. Mr.
bookbinding material (efalin, emitlin). D. Kraft paper. 2. Bargain price for small and medium print runs. 3. Bright and saturated colors are used in screen printing. 4. Ability to print already prepared packages (there are restrictions on color and size of drawing). With screen printing you can print not only the logo and contact information, and decorate them by applying finishing operations such as uv varnishing. Spot uv varnish to be applied to using screen-printing is diverse due to the variety of uv varnishes and additives. Types of uv varnish: 1. glossy uv varnish. 2. matt uv varnish. 3. uv lacquer with the addition of Glitter (gold, silver, holographic). 4. uv varnishes with special effects. All This can be taken into account in the design of a paper bag for your company. The important point for the design of a paper bag – it is a choice material for the handles of the package. Here, use the following materials: 1. Synthetic cords 2. Metallic cords. 3. Hemp cords. 4. cotton cords. 5. Twisted paper handles. 6. Satin ribbons. 7. Twill tape.