
    This innovating service will allow its users to realize payments and other financial operations through movable telephone, of simple form and without needing having banking account nor credit card. In this way, Railway among others presents/displays an open technological solution that allows to incorporate to the movable telephones financial micro services, like the retirement and deposit of cash, the accomplishment of money transference, the payment in establishments and the payment of microcredit. The services created for the charge users Railway per-payment, will serve to especially accede to a series of financial services that are not within reach of certain segments of the population, those that have lower rents or live in countryside remote. For this project of innovation, the company counts on a robust technological platform of easy integration, abstainer and proven successfully in other continents of the world. In Latin America the use of the movable telephone like financial instrument, is not a comfort, but a necessity, aimed Give Cohen, Chief of a main directorate of Railway. the event is being a magnificent opportunity to show the Movilway technology like a solid, safe and viable alternative, that facilitates the access of the financial services to the population notarization of the Region. In the present digital surroundings, Latin America has become an opportunity without precedents for the movable industry. A third of the population of the Region hardly has access to banking services and nevertheless, more of the 80 percent it has a movable telephone. The movable communications are arriving or at great part of the population, in some cases before another type of basic services like the electricity or the water. The movable device no longer is an article of luxury but a necessity for the population with less resources, that have incorporated already it in their daily life.

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