Silva Conceptions
As requisite basic for the agreement of other branches of the physics. As for example, the famous laws of Newton. Another reason took that me to work the subject was to the frequency with that the pupils use in its daily one, the concepts of force, movement and rest. Where most of the time the pupils use them of missed form, of the point of view of the scientific knowledge in vigor. Where this research left of an inquiry (disgnostic) concerning the alternative conceptions presented by the pupils of Average Ensino, in relation to the concept of force, movement and rest. Where these alternative conceptions are ideas that the pupils of have determined concepts as they were correct. 1,2 CONCEPTIONS ALTENATIVAS IN THE GENERALITY. Intuitivas calls of conceptual errors, ideas, spontaneous conceptions etc.
possess a series of general characteristics, among which we detach. 1.So found in a great number of students, any level of escolaridade. they 2.Cobrem a vast gamma of contents and has ample executive. The characteristics mentioned above do not leave doubt of that it stops having an effective education, is not possible to ignore the conceptual luggage that the pupil brings when coming across with the formal education of Physics in the school. The research in the area also already showed that the alternative conceptions result very resistant to the change, persisting exactly after a long scientific instruction.
Where the overcomings of such conceptions demand that the pupils if acquire knowledge of them and that the same ones are analyzed and argued in classroom; for this, the use of experience in laboratory can become, as much in qualitative level how much quantitative (Clement, 1982 apud Silva, 1995) 1.3.CONCEPOES ALTERNATIVE SPECIFIC ON SOME FOCUSED CONCEPTS OF the MECHANICS AS: 2.Forca- That she is proper of the human beings. That is, in terms physical the bodies have force. 3.Movimento- a body alone remains in movement will have a force acting on it.