South Africa
Soon black districts were if ' ' becoming ingovernveis' ' (Jonge, 1991, P. 72) in townsphips if they had formed structures that initiate others raise, the police women I exercise and it enter in shock with these movements and president Botha decreed been of emergency in 36 districts, in three months thousands of people had been assassinated also lead of the FDU, and this dismantled the movement. In the year of 1985 apartheid enters in crisis, president Botha if it strengthens to take the reform projects ahead, but that they become insufficient the front to the age after-Soweto that fought against the South African capitalism bringing for this the responsibility of as much misery and inaqualities, and the redistribution of income if it becomes the new claim of the black movements. The government of Botha entered in a great abyss, therefore it did not obtain more to control the black militancy and also he starts to suffer with pressures of the whites, that of its reforms some had inside finished for harming some groups africnderes. The South Africa suffers economic problems, has a fall in the prices of the gold, main source of income of the country, the currency rand if devaluates, and the protests if they intensify, with the objective age to make with that the president negotiated with the CNA, fact that this does not occur. In September of 1989 the election for president occurs, therefore at the beginning from this year Botha it suffers a cardiac attack and if it compels to resign of the function of leader of the National Party, even though in the elections hears protests thousand of blacks had not been to the ballot boxes, but exactly thus Frederik W. of Klerk, is elect president, already announced new measured diminished the power of System of Segurana Nacional (SSN), frees eight of the prisoners black politicians, and allowed to demonstrations antiapartheid, finally considers a solution negotiated for the racial segregation.