Tag: advertising & pr

    Online Press Releases Transport

    That is missing many online messages use relevance were the PR-gateway Academy on 2 August 2013 in the course of the Webinares. “The perfect online communication in detail: relevant, useful, entertaining – as content for their target groups work” around 286 PR professionals surveyed. The first question of the survey was: “What content you communicate already through your online communications?”. The answers differed at first glance hardly any of the content of classical press releases: 30.4% of online news releases to communicate new products, 16.4% of the companies about partnerships and references. Click Rob Daley for additional related pages. The conversational approach was encouragingly high: approximately 22.4% of respondents PR professionals report in their online messages about events and fairs. “It is high time that PR managers finally understand a change of perspective”, so Melanie Tamble, Director of PR-gateway (www.pr-gateway.de). “Online press releases offer a unique opportunity to reach all target groups on the Internet directly.

    But without the benefit of relevant content evaporates from the effect of these messages”. Dialog instead of advertising the publication of online press releases, for example through free press portals, provides PR agencies and companies great opportunities. You can to enter into direct dialogue with the target groups. Keith Yamashita is often quoted as being for or against this. Whether through social media networks, corporate blog, or your own homepage – useful information engage the relevant target groups. “If we are honest, cares not consumers, if company X has reduced the cutting side of his new knife to 0.3 micrometer”, so Melanie Tamble.

    “He wants to know whether he now still can better his potatoes and carrots.” Write plain text – ban box sets the plain text expert Thilo Baum shows on August 30, 2013 within the framework of the PR-gateway Academy Webinar, how PR messages can bring be with online press releases on the point. Students learn to understand the change of perspective and experience based on illustrative examples, how the direct targeting in practice can be put. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from jimmy levin. In addition, Thilo explained Tree which formulations for online press releases are suitable and how you can clearly communicate the core of PR messages. More information about the free webinar with plain text expert Thilo Baum: pr.pr-gateway.de/online-pr/webinar-relevanz-und-verstaendlichkeit/ more information, images and publications available for download available in the PR-Gateway Press Center: press description of the company-PR-gateway is a project of Adenion GmbH. PR-gateway (www.pr-gateway.de) is an online service that centrally manages and delivers click parallel to numerous free press portals, news services and social media company news and social media news. Capturing multiple accounts for the individual portals. Thus helps PR gateway companies and agencies to get more coverage for your PR releases on the Internet in less time. Many well-known companies and agencies already use PR gateway successfully for your online PR and social media marketing, including HUK-Coburg, komm.passion, Hill + Knowlton and Expedia.de. PR contact: Eckhard lenders Adenion GmbH Merkatorstrasse 2 41515 Grevenbroich Tel: + 49 2181 7569-140 E-Mail: Web:


    One bad happening after another and what did those responsible? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Instead of responding, was simply wait. Of course a reaction then actually again: the page was indeed blocked. The question arises: what has the Deutsche Bahn did wrong? The simple answer is: a lot. Below you will find why the three most important survival tips”for social networks, you should observe: short response times: the world of social networks is fast moving.

    You must adapt to this rate, if you want to be successful. Click Governor Cuomo to learn more. That means concretely, at least once a day to check your profile on new messages and posts there. Put it even aimed to respond to reactions of your contacts within maximum 24 hours. No censorship: the users of social networks react to almost nothing disgruntled about the attempt of a censorship. A critic should find its way onto your profile and through appropriate Posts notice then you don’t delete them.

    Instead, take the critical voices as an opportunity to offer your help specifically. So, they signal a willingness to talk, who appreciate also other contacts. Content instead of advertising: You do without, so far as it is possible, entirely on advertising. Their profiles within the social networks are no advertising Distributor, with which you can send your flyers and posters in digital form. Offer instead informative content with real added value. News from the industry can be, as well as small guides and tip Collections. How to find new customers and they bind to your company of course mountains social networks not only threats, but also impossibly large potential, which applies to fathom it. By XING as you have access to millions of entrepreneurs, freelancers and officers briefly: your target audience in the B2B area. At the end of this article, I give you now is still showing on it how you easiest way able to find new contacts and paying customers to convert this gradually. Of course, can we not have the PreSales marketing at this point across a wide range, but can you already use actively the following two tips to increase your sales. Contact search in groups: millions of users it not so is easy to find really suitable candidates for networking. Fortunately, groups on the most diverse subjects exist in Facebook, as well as in XING and other networks. There you will find people who share a particular interest. In a first step, identify suitable communities and engage within the group. Informative posts automatically provide a high level of attention and accordingly many contact requests. Make contacts customers: the pure networking with people is futile, if not a conscientious intensification followed the relationship. Just as the important relationship of trust between you and your contacts is growing. On top of this can access then in sale talks. So almost become self runners. To maintain your relationships as easily through social networking, you should set up their own groups. Can you inform your contacts with one click on important innovations and provide them with high-quality content. This service will not be without effect. I hope I could convince you of the fantastic opportunities, provide the social networks. Don’t forget the risks but still, you will inevitably encounter.

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    Web Gallery

    Choose a domain name that best presents your company with your Web design. Should be your choice to a name with multiple words, it is recommended to separate them with a hyphen (for example: toys mustermann.de). If you have additional questions, you may want to visit James Reinhart. Keywords in the domain name are beneficial, but the name is to impress your customers and not ridicule you in online marketing. If you have decided, you should make your content only at this address in the network. It makes no sense to create another domain name. Link only to your own domain. As with webdesign Berlin.

    Using file names for each file name in the Web design only lowercase letters and numbers. Special characters and spaces are not required. For dynamic sites be sure that each bottom with just a URL is reachable. Supposedly subdomains Berlin will be settled later with your Web design, therefore store to closed areas in itself (example: forum.)Seite.de). A sub domain is also easier to enter in a Web Gallery. Forget not the forwarding of your pages in the online marketing in Berlin so that visitors not in the empty click. Use frames no frames, which brings only disadvantages with himself.

    From the point of view of search engine, a frameset is empty. That is, therefore, also the home page of your site would be empty. There are search engines that have problems with the indexing of the subpages of the frameset. Thus, you can forget about a top ranking with webdesign Berlin on Google. Since search engine optimization is based on text reading, you should hide any text in graphics graphics so the search engine can no longer read your texts? Also you should name your graphics for the Web design speaking for themselves (example: kochtopf.jpg). A paraphrase or a totally different name achieved not the desired result. This also applies to the alternate text. Content not only your visitors want to see informative and worth reading texts, also a Search engine can benefit. Use keywords in the online marketing in Berlin, but don’t overdo it so. Forward is an important keyword, the better it will be calculated. Of course, your content in Web design Berlin should be written correctly. A search engine does not find misspelled words. There are many criteria to make so successful search engine optimization and online marketing in Berlin as well as possible. Read is this for example in the blog talking marketing to many information and news to the one topic. This link will take you to blog talk marketing: online marketing in Berlin. If you have installed the search engine optimisation on the best stand, they came a bit ahead in the area of online marketing. And even if the right optimization is time consuming, forget not the other areas for viewing on the Web especially the contents are required.

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    Intersolar Europe

    Intersolar Europe mass two-thirds of respondents biomass, solar and wind companies 2013 in Munich have no communication strategy, Cologne 11.06.2013. Only every third company in the renewable energy industry communicates strategically and purposefully. In particular PR managers of firms without a defined communication strategy complain about the missing concept and the lack of internal and financial support for communication activities. Although 74 percent of communication press and public relations consider important, but only a few of the companies surveyed provide a substantial budget for PR activities. Despite sales in the millions, it was half of the company at less than 10,000 euros per year.

    These are the first results of the ongoing study communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”Kar communications. The Agency on renewable energy and technology issues since 2004 provides the first results and trends of the study for the first time in the context of the Intersolar Europe on June 20, 2013 11:00 The public before. For PR work only who is strategically success control, defines its objectives and target groups, and precise messages developed its special strengths, will succeed with its communication”agency Iris Krampitz is convinced. With our study we want to demonstrate our experience of nine years press work in the renewable energy industry, which raise awareness among industry for strategic media and public relations and find out how strategically biomass, solar and wind companies already communicate.” For this, the Cologne Agency also checks whether the messages of the companies with the right target groups arrive. Since April 2013, Krampitz communications questioned the entrusted by biomass, solar and wind companies to their press – and public relations. How successful the communication work is being studied in the second part of the study. The final results and reports will be published in the fourth quarter of 2013. Questionnaire online Company spokesman and professionals can participate in the anonymous study until July 15, 2013. The questionnaire is available at bit.ly/11XEF9z to download.

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    Marketing Tool

    Use wants to be well-planned – best advice from the outset saves money and time just seems the use of social media as a marketing tool for Germany’s medium-sized businesses and to be affordable, that is the commonly held opinion anyway. There arises but why, then, this way of advertising in today’s networked world yet so little is used. The barriers are apparently to overthrow, too high for most of the business here in the fray. “The study future of content” shows that many executives afraid to open their businesses for the modern forms of communication, the social media offers. 59 percent of those polled see this media even as danger! This fear, power to lose influence and control in particular. Who thinks so missed an important opportunity the chance to make more competitive to his company in the long term! Cornelia Euringer-Klose and Christian Furst are experts in the field of social media and advise customers of various industries. You know well the concerns of the business lines.

    We are often asked whether it makes sense to invest media culture in their own company in the construction of a social”, the two reports. In particular, the loss of control is the first obstacle on the way to a successful marketing with the help of new media. However, this loss of control is only felt and reverses when the exact look in the opposite direction. Because its own act on the Web means a gain in various areas: better listening and necessarily active authentic involvement on the platforms even allows, to improve its own products, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for the company eventually with the interlocutors in the social Web! Absolute control never will be even with the utmost care and highest costs even without social media! Now most of the entrepreneurs despite great misgivings is certain that social media marketing will occupy an important role in the marketing mix but. Problematic, the high time commitment for the care of the platforms is often seen. While many social media wish quickly resounding successes. Social-media engagement needs a smart plan, regular time and a continuous commitment to the success. And of the operator must be aware of”Euringer-Klose makes clear.

    Only with long-lasting usage can be obtained through the use of new media in the market. And because each company must decide for themselves whether it goes here. But it is worth at the end for all those who opt for a such a marketing channel with all the consequences, because the return is especially valuable: the chance to connect with the target groups directly in contact, to learn from her, to convince them, and ultimately perhaps even to inspire. “Prince puts it in a nutshell: only thus it is possible to participate in discussions around their products!” Cornelia Euringer-Klose and Christian Furst seminars for entrepreneurs are offered in social media an initial offer, expanding existing knowledge or help to develop individual solutions for companies. More information at C. Euringer-Klose

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    Exclusive Corporate Identity

    Simple black and white Berlin, Klaus Bender 18.07.2013 – after many years as a copywriter in various agencies was carried out at the end of 2011 his dreams of professional and entrepreneurial freedom. He is ready to accept responsibility and worked very successfully as a copywriter and Creative Director, including for agencies such as Atletico Germany GmbH and grey Germany GmbH and customers such as Alliance, Mercedes-Benz, and Panasonic. Style, elegance, and love of the written word are traits which characterized Copywriter Klaus Bender. The corporate identity developed by menze + Cook us to sustainable transport his message. High-quality cards with blind embossing bring the logo designed by us especially. Marking pliers as an integral part of the equipment makes it feel on the letters and letter and leaves individuality and exclusivity on the paper.

    The Web page created by us completes the distinctive look and feel. You seamlessly integrates with the overall appearance of the freelancers. Through the simple Outline the navigation and programming in the responsive design is intuitive to use on all popular displays the Web page. The selected font “Lapture” combines the principles of the Gothic writings with which the Latin she makes, without appearing too headstrong. It also ensures noble accents in all communications and reflects the personality of the Texters as all other actions authentic.

    Recognisability and credible design in the focus of our activities were in the development of this corporate identity. Communication is as successful, if she can be associated with exactly a unique sender. With better coordination and consistency in the use of all elements of the corporate design menze + cook at the just-completed project succeeded again memorable.

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    Corporate Communications

    Documents networks in corporate communications effectively use Scribd, SlideShare, Issuu, Calameo or Joomag: documents networks are among Internet users looking for information becoming more popular. So, this social media offer much potential for corporate communications. Tip 1: documents networks as virtual press boxes for use on the documents networks provide users their content other Internet users usually as PDF files to browse available. So, companies can use documents networks to inform their audiences with information about the industry and its products and services. Companies can adjust their online press releases with their corporate news on the document networks and use them as virtual press boxes. To facilitate the research company media representatives and provide an interesting starting point in search of their target groups after news about the company. Tip 2: with interesting information convincing for the publication on the documents networks offer Online press releases an ideal format.

    Because they allow companies to process all the important information about the products and services in a current news format. So companies take up successfully the need of the reader to interesting and relevant information. Tip 3: the companies as an expert position can in their online press releases give hints and present your product or service such as problem-solving. In addition to information about the company, you can publish current news from the industry. While companies should ensure that this information is clearly stand out in their online press release.

    Thus, present company on the documents networks as an expert in their field of expertise. Tip 4: emotions with graphics, images spark pictures and videos, graphics or videos from gaining the attention of Internet users simply faster than plain text documents. Therefore companies can use Visual content to your online press release much more appealing for the Target groups to create. So they offer material for the processing of corporate news media representatives.

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