Tag: Attractions

    Alexander Pushkin

    That is the 'gentleman's set', which need to have plunged into the cave: two containers (independent or connected Manifold) with two regulators, three light sources, two compensation systems buoyancy, at least one search coil. Cave diving equipment weighs 100 pounds – and this is not the limit! You must be able to count 'pressure to return' – the air supply in cylinder, which would be enough to return. Sacred rule – follow the formula 'One third', which was derived an American diver Shekom exclusivity. The gist is that when the diver decides to go to exit, he should spend no more than a third of air. One-third remains on the way back, and a third – this reserve stock. You must know how to use hodovikom – nylon thread, for not to get lost in the submarine maze and back. Should move over hodovikom that it does not get confused. On hodovike put a special notation – the arrow always pointed end of which only indicates the outlet. Add to your understanding with Macy’s Inc..

    If you have not learned buoyancy control – then it is better not to cave dive. The slightest wrong move you can touch bottom sediment, and visibility drops to zero. Hence the following rule which has formulated Alexander Pushkin: "Learn to control yourself." In other words, we must be able to cope with their emotions, including stress. In emergency situations, such as an instant reduction of visibility in confined spaces (in fact over head – an impenetrable ceiling), there may be a panic. And panic, as we know, never brings up good. So, in addition to technical and technological training needs and psychological zakalka.Harakteristiki cave Moves cave something like a subway tunnels. Orda (or Ordynskaya) cave is located in Perm, in the village Horde. It is the longest underwater cave in the territory of our country – its length is 1,550 meters.

    Only 300 meters of the total length of the cave – the dry passages and rooms, the rest of the space occupied by the underwater gallery, with an average size – 3×2 meters. Depth – up to 15 meters. Members of the expedition noted that the cave passages are somewhat similar to the tunnels Metro. The water temperature in the cave's constant all year round – 5-6 degrees Celsius. Orda cave – a unique facility that allows you to develop skills for divers of all skill levels.

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    Wine Choice

    Also today, the majority of visitors restaurants are getting better and better informed in regard to wines. However, the choice of men in favor of a beverage is largely depends on each situation. For example, a man who came into the restaurant with a lady, most likely will order the wine, and it is likely that it will semisweet or sweet. But in the company of friends rather give up man preference for port wine, brandy and whiskey. If you take other addictions, it may be noted that many men are real sweet tooth so, restaurateurs say that representatives of the "stronger sex" is often chosen, and ice cream, and fruit desserts. It is well known that the choice of the buyer or guest shop restaurant in most cases has a significant impact and then how it is staffed.

    Unprofessional or uneducated seller The waiter can make it so that people do not just leave without buying, but also fundamentally change their preferences in the unfavorable direction. In particularly difficult cases, it can not only never to return to this institution, but does give the product in relation to which it was originally set up as positive. Please also provide the buyer may be if the detailed information on the requested product, combining it with sincerity and good will to communicate. In the matter of "how to please the customer-man task restaurateurs a bit more complicated than that of consultants in the store. Indeed, the very essence of the restaurant means more prolonged contact between guests and staff facilities, kitchens and no dignity does not fix the waiter or maitre d 'promashek. It is important to the ability of staff to allow a variety of sensitive situations. For example, a visitor came to a lady and gives her the right to choice of wine for dinner, the lady also ordered a very expensive wine. Here the problem sommelier or waiter – very gently and tactfully to find out how it corresponds to the choice of financial plans master, and, if necessary, gently recommend another wine. The task of the head of the restaurant – so organize the work of staff, to teach him to make recommendations and answer questions, so that the guest was sure that he did choice, ordered wine and food, and told them about his lady. In short, the main thing – to show the guest the maximum sensitivity and respect. Source: Rosemary

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