Tag: education

    Wiz Achievement

    -Talent, availability of internal conditions for outstanding achievements in business. Gifted child – a child who stands out bright, obvious, and sometimes outstanding achievements (or has the internal prerequisites for such achievement) in one form or another activity. At the present stage of scientific development 'talent' is understood as 'Potential for achievement at an extremely high level compared with other people of this age, learning and social environment. " Gifted and talented children called those evaluation expertise, in By The Wiz demonstrate high achievement. They need specialized training programs.

    Prospects for the development of these children are determined by 'the level of their achievements and potential in one or more areas: intellectual, academic achievement, creative or productive thinking, communication and leadership, artistic and psychomotor activity. " For a single out three main phases of work: 1. gifted students (diagnosis) 2.Poisk sphere of creative activity 3.Primenenie results of joint cooperation. 1. gifted students to identify giftedness used a variety of methods: from the simple teaching (and even parents) to monitor specifically designed, standardized and validated tests, as well as playing and training methods. However, the complexity of special talents as an object of psychological theory and practice makes experts constantly emphasize that the identification (detection), gifted children should be carried out by specially trained psychologists. Detection gifted students is rather complicated multistage procedure. I have been using seven diagnostic stages: nomination, (naming) the names of candidates for the gifted;-Identifying the manifestations of giftedness in the behavior and different types of student activities on the basis of observational data, rating scales, responses to questionnaires, etc.;-study of the conditions and history of the student's family, his interests, hobbies information about family, about the early development of the child, his interests and unusual abilities through questionnaires and interviews, student assessment of its peers information about abilities, not manifested in the progress and achievements with the help of questionnaires; Self-abilities motivation, interests, and success through questionnaires, self-reports, interviews –measures (including examination), achievement, school performance, and psychological testing: predictive indicators (Especially the abstract and logical thinking, mathematical ability, technical ability, linguistic ability, memory, etc.), creativity and personal development of student using psychodiagnostic tests.

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