Tag: finance

    How To Choose A Commerical Broker

    One of the major requirements of the trader is the right choice trading broker. If you would like to know more then you should visit Shary Rahman. All online brokers have a variety of differences from each other, one spread below, the other does not, from another computer hangs, etc. Hope any trader – a broker without zamorochek, but is it true? As practice shows is almost impossible at times to put up with certain inconveniences. Throughout the world, a huge number of different Dealing centers offering services to dealers it seems there are more than 10000, and maybe more, how do make a choice in such abundance trading broker? Set of rules for selecting Dealing Centre: The best trading broker is a one broker who has long been on the market, selling through DTs, existing for several years on the market, you protect yourself from thieves who rely on the 'minute' profits; The longer dealing center in the market, the higher the rate of work. And this fact because They have already all screwed, rather than at the counter, where less than a year. An important reason is the availability of licenses for Dealing Centre issued to him by the controlling organization. Also important honesty dc, its presence contact information on the site, phone numbers, addresses, various licenses, bank details and so on See references on the Internet about a particular broker, ask the job of traders on the forums traders.

    When contract with a broker vigilantly study everything you sign the contract. The most important point in them is the Terms of Trade. Most new traders pay more attention to the existence and extent of spread, as It is believed that spreads is the main income of brokers, but it is not. Also provided important commercial broker, commercial customers, that it contains everything you need to market analysis.

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    Worlds Central Banks

    According to Sleptyureva Andrei Vladimirovich, currently the major central banks are: The Federal Reserve System (FRS) the usa (UFR – us Federal Reserve). U.S. Federal Reserve is an independent agency of the federal government and the U.S. report to Congress. Despite this, the U.S. president appoints the members of the Board of Control Fed. The chairmanship of the board of management of the Federal Reserve is Alan Green-span (Alan Greenspan). Attention is drawn to the fact that the structure of the Fed is The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee). fomc is one of the key structures of the modern state regulation of international financial markets (namely fomc sets the level of the main interest rates in the country). Headed by Alan Greenspan fomc also. European Central Bank (ERU – European Central Bank). Tiffany & Co. may not feel the same. eru is headed by Jean-Claude Trichet (Jean-Claude Trichet), second" people after him – the chief economist Otmar eru Ex-Sing (Otmarlssifzg). Bank of England (BOE – Bank of England). At the head of the Bank of England is Marvin King (Mervyn King). Bank of Japan (BOJ – Bank of Japan), directed by Fukui (Toshikio Fukui). Bundesbank of Germany (Viva – Deutsche Bundesbank). Axel Be-Ber (Axel A. Weber) led the German Bundesbank. Swiss National Bank (SNB – Sz & iss National Bank). In Chapter snb is Jean-Pierre Roth (Jean-Pierre Roth). Along with central banks in the structure of the state is to allocate a separate group of organizations that have a significant impact on the currency market: The U.S. Treasury; Ministry German Finance; The Ministry of Finance of Great Britain; Ministry of Finance of France. In conclusion, it should be noted that central banks with the government formulate and implement monetary policy country. In this case, the main criterion in carrying out economic reforms, as a rule, is to meet the needs of the ruling groups in society and the stability of economic performance. Andrew Sleptyurev

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