Tag: geography

    Minimum Culture

    Minimum culture of the ground? What it comes to aser this? This text intends to explain this technique for the excessively interested pupils of ensinomdio and. Minimum Ocultivo is a not conventional form of preparation of the ground for recebermudas or seeds of one determined culture. It consists of the preparation of the ground eplantio at the same time, in a lesser possible operation number. Learn more at this site: Western Union. Dessamaneira, has the minimum revolvimento of the ground. For in such a way, specific hmquinas agricultural to accomplish this technique. In them conjuntode has one implementos that they carry through the arao, the gradeamento, the sulcamento, the fertilization eo plantation. But, which the advantage of this? The lesser amount of passed of tratorrevolve less the ground, undoing, in lesser ratio, the structure of the same emantendo covered it by the residues of the culture that before was installed narea.

    In addition, reducing the number of times that the necessary tractor to enter narea that the plantation will be carried through, has fuel economy. Click PCH Prize Patrol for additional related pages. This tcnicatambm contemplates the preparation of the ground but in the plantation line (Figure 1). Dessemodo, the lines where it will have the plantation will only have the ground dug. Demaispartes of the land, that is, the space between lineses, will remain with the ground without apassagem of machines and implementos what it favors the maintenance of caractersticasdo alone as, for example, the structure, that are basic for ofavorecimento of the water infiltration that, in turn, will diminish the action deprocessos erosive. Figure 1. Minimum culture with escarificador plough digging only lines up of plantation.

    Source of the photo: Finally, but not less important, in areas with high degree of declivity, cultivomnimo can be used by means of the preparation of the ground restricted to the hollows where asmudas they will be inserted. One more time, the doterreno revolvimento of only one part, favors the conservation of the ground. Figure 2. Ground area where it had the preparation (culture) minimum. Notarque in the plantation space between lineses the ground is covered with the culture that antecedeua that it is planted. Source of the photo: Chemical preparation from: GALETI, P.A. Practical of control to the erosion. Campinas: Agricultural deEnsino Campineiro institute, 1984. 154p. GONALVES, J.L.M. Conservation doSolo. In: GONALVES, J.L.M. ; STAPE, J.L. (Eds). Ecultivo ground conservation for forest plantations. Piracicaba: IPEF, 2002.p.47-129.

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    Context Company

    Although the professional permitted in geography so is not valued in the market how much the bachelor it is essential to the development, continuity and valuation of proper science, therefore it is responsible the direct one for its diffusion and is who first can awake the interest of professional futures for this science of proven importance already throughout the times. From this work he was possible to verify that the continuity of geography depends on the cooperation of all the pursuings produce that it, is: bacharis, professors, academic community (including learning and teaching) and researchers of the most varied pursuings and titulao, therefore to all they can call gegrafos. .

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    Complementarily, in Brazil between some products that if had adjusted to such reality are distinguished the sugar cane-of-sugar productions, orange, coffee, citric potato, fruits and mainly the soy whose agricultural borders already had accumulated of stocks practically all Region Center-West, part of the South Region, east of the state of the Bahia, beyond strong having advanced for the Region North with diverse impacts, whose explicitao does not fit in this quarrel. Of other terms, the modernization of agriculture consists of the incorporation of new technological standards in the agricultural space, a species of attempt of disruption with the past (practical traditional of agricultural culture), among others factors, as form to integrate the agricultural families and/or agriculturists the new forms of productive rationality. Condizendo with the said ones of Abramovay: Modernization of agriculture if characterized as process induced, that occurred from the advance of science and the modern technology that introduced new forms of production that they had resulted in the increase of the productivity and low the amount of man power, but is necessary to point that nor all the agriculturists of a country adopt the same techniques, thus exists differentiated degrees of modernization in neighboring agricultural properties, over all in the relation large state-minifndio … Swarmed by offers, cerebral palsy is currently assessing future choices. A leading source for info: Andrew Cuomo. (ABRAMOVAY, 1992, pp.

    59-60). All this process has gradually provoked the mercantilizao of the social life in the field, therefore, of slow form the autonomy that agriculture (agricultural activities) until then had, has been led to take care of a subordination of new interests, forms of typical life and consumption of urban areas. On the other hand, she is necessary to prevent deriving generalizations of limitantes reflections! Since the insertion of new standards of living associates to the new technologies of agricultural production, has not made possible (with few exceptions) increase of the familiar income and better conditions of life of the population directly affected by the modernization of agriculture, that is, the small proprietors and the linked individuals..

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    The State School Education

    In this process the professor was losing, or he did not have the chance to form its condition of knowledge producer, the reality is that the pupils are each time more if distanciando its agreement of a critical Geography that not only studies maps, regions places, but that he shows to the formation space partner of its daily one, the paper of Geography are of to teach to facts or events, when the professor searchs through its formation and of its knowledge, it looks for to make with that the pupil is co-authors of knowing, elaborates texts from the reality of its pupils. 3.1 – Characterization of the School: The State School situated Elvira Saint in the district of Elvira Saint city of Juscimeira- TM, was published in 22 of July of 1974, is kept by the official net of Education of the State of Mato Grosso, where its modality of Education is the cycle of Basic formation that is divided basic Ensino in cycles and phases, authorized for the resolution of n 849/76, and recognized for would carry of n 3277/92, authorized not professionalizing Average Ensino for the resolution of n 317/01 of 2001, for 514/04 CEE/MT would carry n, and still the modality of Education Young Education Adult. The School takes care of the three turns matutino, vespertine and nocturnal, a total of 487 pupils, being that this school is the only one in the district therefore is considered as agricultural school, where it takes care of the pupils of the small farms, farms and nestings, possess a team of 48 employees, divided in Administrative Managers, Professors, Technician and Support. The school until the present moment does not possess formed professors and qualified in Geography, also they are not effective being thus to contract professors of other areas as: Biological Pedagogo, Sciences and tie Physical Education, only exist a formed effective professor and qualified in History, where it contributes with some lessons of disciplines of Geography.

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    The Flow

    The flow of latent heat and flow of sensible heat is equally important forms of loss of heat in the continents; 3. Thus, for the Land in its set, the flow of latent heat is responsible for 82% of the liquid radiation and the turbulent exchange of heat is considered as being 18%. In such a way, according to Ayoade, considering the dynamics of distribution of the liquid radiation and the transference of latent and sensible heat, has the following global energy rocking: 1. The values of annual liquid radiation more are raised in the low latitudes and decrease in direction to the polar regions, from the latitude of 25; 2. The values of liquid radiation little more are raised in the oceans of what in the continents, in the same latitudes, mainly because of the biggest absorption of the radiation on the oceans and the lesser amount of radiation that is set free; 3. The values of liquid radiation are well inferior in the barren continental areas of what in the humid continental areas, because of the biggest amount of lost radiation in barren continental areas under relatively clean skies …. the flows of latent heat and sensible heat are distributed in different way on the continental and oceanic surfaces. The flow of latent heat more is raised on the oceanic surfaces and in the low latitudes.

    (1986, P. 43) Finally, the solar radiation when happening on the Land perpassa for processes of attenuation still in the atmosphere, when arriving at the terrestrial surface will go to interact directly with the diverse elements that are part of the terrestrial system, however, such interaction takes in consideration the period of the year, the altitude of the Sun, latitude, as well as, the distribution of the liquid and terrestrial surfaces and the aspects of the same ones. The solar radiation does not act with the same intensity in all the portions of the Land, thus, substantially distinct rockings of radiation inside of the system will occur atmosphere-surface and also in regions sub-regions that form the terrestrial surface.

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