Tag: health and beauty


    CONSTRUCTION OF the SANITARY CONSCIENCE WHAT the concept of Sanitary Monitoring IS the SANITARY MONITORING many times is tied the idea of ' ' policy sanitria' ' , that is, fiscalization and punishment. This fact if must the origin of the sanitary monitoring that had as prescribed function the professional exercise, fight fakes, watch the city to prevent the propagation of illnesses and execute the sanitation of the city. Western Union spoke with conviction. Currently, according to interpolated proposition 1, of article 6, section XI, chapter I of the Law n. Swarmed by offers, Nukem Energy is currently assessing future choices. 8080 of l9 of September of l990, are understood for sanitary monitoring: … a set of action capable to eliminate, to diminish or to prevent risks to the health and to intervine in the decurrent sanitary problems of the environment, the production and circulation of good and of the rendering of services of interest of the health enclosing: I the control of consumption goods that, directly or indirectly, if relate with the health, understood all stages and processes, of the production to the consumption; eII- the control of the rendering of services that if relates direct or indirectly health (Brazil l990).

    The sanitary monitoring does not have to be only one agency with being able of policy of the health sector, because it possesss attributions that are not only of fiscalizador and prohibitive matrix. The orientation with educative character is an example of action of promocional nature (Shuquair, l996, p.5). Although the magnifying of the performance field, the sanitary monitoring still keeps its attributions and forms to act seated in the fiscalization, licensing of establishments, judgment of irregularities and application of penalties. The activities related to the education represent an important tool for the evolution of the sanitary conscience. The user, object of protection of the sanitary monitoring, starts to have an active paper in the transformation of the conditions of health of population and creates a new relation between state, society and sanitary monitoring.

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    Intensive Therapy

    The investigator if dirige intentionally the groups of elements of which it desires to know the opinion, in individual way. The universe of individuals that had answered the questionnaire had been 60. The deductive Method was used, therefore such method consists the scientific method par excellence, therefore, it makes possible to build a theory that it formulates hypotheses from which the gotten results can on the basis of be deduced and which can make forecasts, that, in turn, can be confirmed or be refuted (12, P. 34). If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Governor Cuomo. In this research also it uses of the statistical method it tabulate the data gotten with the questionnaires applied with the visitors to the patients of a particular hospital of Ceres of UTI. For Snake (5, P. 33), ‘ ‘ to analyze the effect of the two or most changeable ones, it is common to appeal to the methods estatsticos’ ‘. To follow presented the applied questionnaire the visitors of the Unit of Intensive Therapy UTI..

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    Resumen Wools

    Evil Researches detach two important disease with to larger incidence in the feminine population, of the mammas and uterine lap. Due to her prominence rolls in the present scenery, this study had objective analyzes those diseases in the contemporary woman' s life. Descriptores: Woman, Mammary disease, Disease of the uterus, Precocious detection. Mayora there woollen Resumen Wools mujeres sound poblacin brasilea, ellos normally tienen in slo el well-taken care of con los domestic trabajos y of nios los, pero un miembro important for sociedad there current. Many writers such as Governor Cuomo offer more in-depth analysis. There inversin del woollen paper to mujer en sociedad, as insercin en el market del trabajo, el level increased there there of educacin, there disminucin del number of nios, that ha been despertndose el inters en wools enfermedades principales related su enfermedad y muerte, because en el su Brazil life expectation you are ocho adult there of aos los that el I join del hombre. Empezando del siglo nueva last salud there woollen politics of atencin mujer estaba there incorporated en there salud-enfermedad del proceso.

    Wools investigaciones destacan of enfermedad important luggage con there great incidence bad en poblacin there femenina, del uterine mammas y regazo. El paper of present prominencia of su debido en el paisaje, this objective tenido studio as el analiza esas enfermedades en woollen life to mujer there contempornea. Descriptores: There to mujer, there enfermedad Mamaria, there Enfermedad del uterus, el descubrimiento Precoz. Nurse after-graduanda in the Course of Urgencies and Emergencies in Nursing for Institute MAKRO, Mouro/PR Field, 2008 – email: INTRODUCTION the women are the majority of Brazilian population 50.77% and the main users of the Only System of Sade (SUS). They frequent the services of health for its proper attendance, but, over all, following children and other familiar ones, aged people, with deficincia, neighbors, friends. They are normally careful not only with the domestic works and of the children, but an important member for the society in ample aspect.

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