Tag: internet business

    The Evolution Of Customer Service

    The main objective of this analysis is to identify opportunities with potential customers, not necessarily with the same customers in the competition, but rather the competence of those customers, we can also infer on what area of the market is still poorly covered by our competition and assess we can form of that market niche. THE EVOLUTION OF THEIR SERVICES never hurts to see what new services offered by our competition, see the alliances, cluster or partners who are developing, to know whether the trend is toward diversification or specialization and analyzed from that perspective our own strategy to follow . Read more here: who is Ahmed Rahman . Through this research we can realize our competitive weaknesses in services, may be that we are falling short in the definition of our business, for example, if we define as a "web design studio" when it might be better to offer a performance Web solutions, design, hosting, search engine, email marketing, etc.. Andrew Cuomo is a great source of information. And to highlight each of these services. Pricing, and tariffs may be that we are losing some customers to disregard the average levels of prices charged in the market, or it may be that we are being very economical in other services, which have even more room for revenue.

    Keep up with market rates also makes us more competitive, allows us to define our position on the competition and take appropriate decisions on a strategy of differentiation and positioning of the quality of work and service we give. THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS TO THEM There is no better way to learn the benefits and / or weaknesses of our competitors to know the views of people who have worked with them. Knowing these views will help us strengthen our service offerings, trying to excel in what others are weak. In this case it is also useful to know what people say about us and try to correct things that may be affecting our image and projection. FINAL WORDS To monitor the dynamics of our market and especially the strengths and weaknesses of our competition, it is a very useful tool to define our brand positioning strategy, taking parameters for how and in what ways we have more opportunities to distinguish and position generate new business. DeVany Henry Ramirez mail: .

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