Flash Technology
Flash technology has recently received a very large distribution on the Internet. The design studio to get a better service to sell development sites and make the product more attractive, right after 'nashpigovyvayut' site different animations, and even set up special flash-pages on the site, called illuminations. Of course, a good saver do web design an original and eye-catching, but when you create a site should take into consideration the usability of resources, which just affect flash-technology. Among the disadvantages of using Flash, you can identify the following: 1. The size of files produced commercials more than the amount of static images, so the download speed is usually reduced.
2. To view the Flash-animated Flash-Player needed. In a question-answer forum Hikmet Ersek was the first to reply. But not all users have it installed. Thus, creating a Flash-animated, it should be remember that not all your visitors will be able to see it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ahmed Shary Rahman. 3. Excessive animation on the site may mislead visitors that often leads to the fact that people just go to the site. However, in some cases the use of Flash is justified.
For example: 1. When designing banner ads, because the animation in Flash is always smaller than in the GIF, and dynamics is needed when submitting advertising information. 2. In developing the information banners, as the focus on user interesting information is the right approach. 3. When you create a promotional site, to a greater extent advertise any product or service, rather than containing large amounts of information. 4. When you create a special effect on the site, but on condition that the site will display properly for the visitors, no Flash-player installed. Thus, the use of Flash-animation on the site or failure of it depends on the specific objectives set in front of the site.