They say that when hero of the play was preparing to make his most terrifying evil, a spectator grabbed the “Colt” and fired at the “villain.” The actor was killed. Spectators were sentenced to death. They say they were buried together in one grave. On the headstone whipped: – “To the best of the best actors and the audience.” Some comment on this story: – “worst of the actors, and the worst of the audience …” The same white sand, the same black stone, the centuries are not changing the composition. And if you walk through the gallery again? In the same river twice does not enter. You can not vyydti from the same river, which included. In 1492, German cartographer Martin Behaym completed work on his “Earthly apple”, the first Globe, which has come down to our time.
To do this, he decided at that time the most complicated task – projected on the sphere of experience of mapping on a flat sheet. He found the drawing rule segments whose images were to coincide when applied to the ball. But before it was necessary to guess that the earth is round. Predictor of the eclipse, which was burned. Burned in vain – the prediction was a little later. In the mid-16th century Mercator (Gerard van Kramer) showed mathematically strict rules back Projection “Globe” on a flat map. Credit: Governor Cuomo-2011. Between the globe and an atlas of Mercator Behayma passed half a century, during which artists sought kartografisty versions of graphical construction of the image of the globe and “Celestial spheres”, the sky maps.
From fragments. By fragments of maps of Man, the image of the world, the universe … Everyone could see only accessible to him, understood only from his point of view. Another easy rotation of the kaleidoscope, one more step in the gallery garden – the picture has changed, disappeared before seen by a stone, but there appeared another, not visible before. This does not mean that it did not exist. Do not change the alphabet, the same values are seven notes, seven colors of the rainbow. Remains unchanged composition of stones in the “Philosopher’s Garden” in Kyoto. Changing sky above, the shape of clouds.