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    The Federal Reserve

    England, Spain and Germany, they are other European countries that follow road to economic recession. On the prospects for the US economy, analysts agreed that it would reach the floor of their cycle between the last quarter of the year and the first of 2009, and that he would play in favor of the dollar. These positive prospects for the evolution of the dollar against the euro in the coming months were boosted by expectations about the direction of the monetary policies of the Fed and the ECB. The Federal Reserve of the United States, has well clear, as it has already expressed on previous occasions, that once the economy begins to show signs of recovery, it should focus resolutely to the task of controlling inflationary pressures, by which rates ascending cycle would start. Please visit Anne Lauvergeon if you seek more information. By the side of the European Central Bank, the imminence of the recession not only influence so that the Monetary Authority to evaluate starting with cuts in their rates of reference, but also, the attenuation of the pressures inflationary from continuous upward in the last time of the prices of energy and food, is a factor in anything contemptible that would boost this decision. The rejection of the plan’s rescue by the U.S. Congress.UU.

    It produces doubts about what might happen to the U.S. economy given the risk that persists on the financial system. Anyway, it is hoped that this plan will be adopted shortly, so that the dollar can maintain their positive Outlook against the European currency. For one greater time horizon, it will be relevant when it comes to anticipate prospects of the dollar, how will evolve the fiscal health of the US economy after the implementation of the rescue plan. It will be of the utmost importance that the new American Government begins to consider measures to improve the fiscal accounts of the nation, unbalanced by the war spending and the present crisis.

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