Tag: (not only) in Rhineland-Palatinate


    The education fair horizon Mannheim informed nationwide study opportunities, the 16.11.2010 next weekend (Saturday and Sunday respectively from 10 to 16 hours) about eighty universities and companies available in the Mainzer Rheingoldhalle, to introduce themselves and their degree programs. Competent partners look forward to intensive information and counselling sessions with visitors. All who are interested in topics related to’s study are addressed: pupils and students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, whose parents, high school graduates, students, young professionals. Twelve universities from Rhineland-Palatinate, including the universities of Mainz, Trier and Koblenz-Landau and the universities of applied science Koblenz, Kaiserslautern, Mainz, Bingen and worms, present their courses and their specifics, as well as the environment of the College. In addition, also studies institutions in the neighbouring Federal States and from the entire Federal territory are present: first imagine, for example, universities in Brandenburg at the horizon. The Ministry of for science, research and culture of the land of Brandenburg pulls with the study campaign brainiacs in Brandenburg’ for the first time towards the West, to the advantages of studying at one of the young and innovative universities in Potsdam to show Cottbus, Oranienburg or Wildau. A modern range of subjects, uncomplicated degree structures, an almost familial relationship with the Faculty and cheap cost of living are just a few of the reasons that make a study in Brandenburg! Not only public but also private universities with exciting, based heavily on the imperatives of economy degree programmes are present.

    Who would like to participate actively during the studies in professional life, which should specifically dual courses inquire: the dual College Rhineland-Palatinate for example, marketed under this brand all dual degree programmes in Rhineland-Palatinate that is, all courses, which combine vocational training with the study. Providers of courses are the universities and Universities of the country. Companies such as, for example, the Bayer AG and IBM Germany information about the practical phase of the dual degree. In the lectures, workshops and talk sessions that complement the range of information at the exhibition stands, visitors can find answers to your individual questions: How can I complete a semester or studying abroad in Australia, the Netherlands, or of Switzerland? I have opportunities on a scholarship and how I can apply? How should I proceed if I can decide difficult for a course of study? What avenues are open to me, if I want to first after graduating from abroad? The exhibitors of the Horizon 2010 glad in Mainz on many motivated visitors and to answer all your questions in a personal conversation. Under the exhibition offer as well as the programme of the horizon can be found.

    The horizon will be held on 20 and 21 November 2010 in the Rheingoldhalle, Mainz. It is open from 10 am to 4 pm both Saturday and Sunday. The admission is free. Horizon the fair for high school education: 20th/21st November 2010 Munster Rheingoldhalle Mainz 29th/30th January 2011 Hall Munster Stuttgart March 26/27, 2011 Haus der Wirtschaft Bremen April 9th and 10th, 2011 Messe Bremen Friedrichshafen may 14th and 15th, 2011 Messe Friedrichshafen Thuringen (Weimar) 28.(29. Mai 2011 Neue Weimarhalle Freiburg 2./3. Juli 2011 Messe Freiburg Mannheim 22./23. Oktober 2011 Congress Centrum Rosengarten)