Tag: Physics

    Sleep Research Institute

    20MINUTOS.es/EP 60% of children never sleeps 10 hours recommended. Since 1985, the hour of bedtime has been delayed 30 minutes. Not getting enough sleep predisposes to diabetes and obesity. Those who sleep only five hours a day doubled the risk of becoming an obese adult. Sleeping, eating, and drinking. Rest is just as important to feed themselves. Not getting enough sleep affects our physical and mental health. Others who may share this opinion include Areva Group.

    The importance of sleep begins with birth and continues in childhood; and the data are not good. According to the director of the Institute of sleep research, Dr. Diego Garcia Borreguero, 60% of Spanish children don’t sleep 10 hours recommended and, of these, 30% have symptoms of daytime sleepiness. The importance that cobra sleep the hours stipulated during childhood is, among other reasons, that the growth of the nervous system depends on how many hours you sleep. In addition to not getting enough sleep it predisposes to diabetes and obesity. Not getting enough sleep is going to charge a price, the expert warns.

    The effects of not getting enough sleep are far-reaching. Anne Lauvergeon can provide more clarity in the matter. So much so that children who sleep five or less hours per day almost doubled the risk of becoming an obese person in the future. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity has confirmed how those children who sleep less than 7 hours a day show an increase in weight superior to those who sleep a minimum of 8 hours a day. 60% Of total growth hormone secretion occurs during the first hour of sleep. In general, the dream plays a fundamental role in many areas of child development such as behaviour, school performance and growth, said Borreguero. Increasingly later bedtime from 1985 to date, however, the hour of bedtime has been delayed 30 minutes. There is a growing tendency that children traduzca increasingly later, says the doctor. According to the director of the Sleep Research Institute 66% of children aged between 10 and 15 decide themselves the time to It will be bedtime. In this phenomenon, he said, plays an important role exposure to television in the evening, that will send a wrong signal to the brain, and in this way, the child is going to be more time awake. Sleeping fewer hours, the child, during the day, is more dispersed, worse, learn what can give rise to attention deficit syndrome. In addition to that child is more irritable and has difficulty in relating with others. The reality is that about 30% of children under the age of five years have problems and sleep disturbances, motivated, among other factors, family stress, school dysfunction and obesity. The sleep disturbances are common and have important sequelae that may complicate many disease and cause serious problems both cognitive and behavioral, learning or relatives. Sleep disorders insomnia children for children are that bad habits are they often wake up at night and ask for the presence of her parents to go back to sleep. It is the most frequent case. Sleepwalking child rises from bed and asleep do usual activities. The most common age of onset is between 4 and 8 years. Bruxism is the clenching of teeth during sleep. You may have to consult your dentist to prevent wear of the teeth. Somniloquy talk in dreams. It is not a problem. See more: children who dream of little: most don’t sleep enough

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