Tag: promyshlennoct and equipment

    Pellets/Wood Pellets

    Pellets or wood pellets – are products of cylindrical shape by extrusion pressed from the dried, pre-milled, vegetable raw materials. Designed to generate heat by burning. Pellets (pellets) – this is a deeply revised and environmentally friendly fuel. The advantage of using biofuels is pressed, first, the majority calorific value compared with chips and lump of wood waste. Secondly, lower cost equipment for boiler plants with capacity of up to 2 megawatts, compared with Auto wood waste. Click Hein Park Capital to learn more. Volume of the warehouse for storage of wood pellets can be reduced at least 50%, compared with the treasure for wood chips. Pellets can be stored in close proximity to residential premises (basement or utility room), since this material is biologically inactive, because was heat-treated.

    It is less prone to spontaneous ignition, as it contains dust and spores, which can also cause allergic reactions in humans. According to its characteristics of the fuel pellets are competing with natural gas, but on environmental indicators, they are ahead of all other types of fuels to the same extent as in affordable. production of pellets in the world Relevance of pellets shows an increase the use of wood and agricultural waste in the industrial production of thermal energy in Europe, Scandinavia and North America by 15% annually. Pellets are a real alternative to the Stone Coal and oil, because of its calorific characteristics to the coal, and their environmental parameters at all apart from the competition. If we consider the current trends, it is only in Europe at the beginning of 2003 there were about 200 producers of granular and patch fuel.

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    Business Network News

    Dear friends and colleagues! We offer you a brand new portal of market participants valves corresponding to the latest trends in the world of internet technology, advertising, and streamlining business processes. This is one of the world's first website that combines the advantages of portals (directories, news feed, forum, reference materials, etc.) and social networking (information about yourself, blogging, publishing news, search people communicate, create interest groups, etc.). Job portal based on the first Russian public catalog valves. Social component of the portal allows manufacturers to add, change or delete products in real time, and publish its description and application features that guarantees the relevance of the information "first hand". System is useful filters allows fast selection interesting products, which significantly reduces the time for creating or processing an application. On the site you can always find the latest market news, read about company news and to discuss various issues in the forum.

    You can create their own news, blogging, open thread to discuss and gather feedback and comments from colleagues, competitors and consumers. Placing information about the company (business card) with reference to the main website will allow your colleagues and customers to get the latest information about your activities, news, features production or sales promotions. The development team site hopes that the site will be easy and at the same time highly efficient and a lot of important free means of obtaining information, marketing, advertising and simple communication. Your comments and suggestions are important to us. The universality of the portal is in the fact that in addition to the above functions, this space, we hope, will be considered heads of the organizations and their employees as a workplace by virtue of functionality, convenience and speed of processes, while saving significant resources such as labor-time, and financial.

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    Construction System

    You can not buy equipment just for promotional and informational materials to collect and analyze actual operating parameters. And this is only possible when a large number of implemented projects wmc. Confirms the need for cooperation in the implementation of business project Construction wmc in a modular design with an experienced company, the Contractor may provide some examples of the necessary skilled technical solutions. Those firms that do not possess the relevant knowledge and that nevertheless taken for the implementation of these tasks (and often receive "orders" solely through lower prices), as a result can not provide customer building efficient and profitable wmc and its subsequent operation. For the imc skeleton should be applied from the whole-rolled steel profiles and sandwich panels of thickness 100-200 mm. Using the usual corner and mineral wool thickness of 50-100 mm for insulation will not provide required insulation, increase power consumption, degrade the appearance of the shop, whose rigidity and resilience to climate impacts will be significantly reduced. All these conditions are also provided using sealed plastic glass on the windows and metal or plastic doors.

    The best solution to the floor construction is the use of water-resistant plywood 25 mm thick, covered with a metal corrugated sheets, with obligatory presence of ladders and strictly specified angles for drainage. The basis of the power supply system is the use of mmc electrical panel control in strict accordance with the emp (with protection from leakage currents, overload and short circuit protection for each type of equipment), and the application of modern pyatiprovodnoy (not outdated three-wire) power supply system. Only such a system ensures electrical safety staff and a reliable, stable operation of the equipment. For decontamination facilities and compliance in the package department must include irradiators, ozonator. Instead of flowing Water heater is expedient to use economical models such as cumulative, allowing 4-5 times to reduce power consumption.

    For best performance and cleaning should be used collapsible milk line system and capacitive equipment – only with a rounded profile section. Temperature control of milk at all stages of processing should be provided automatically (with an accuracy of 1 C), and before feeding milk to separation should be conducted his agitation. The above are some technical parameters (not all) belong to wmc, which produces the company zao Kolaks-M, working in this segment of the market in Russia about 20 years and have accumulated Perhaps the greatest experience from the commissioning of about 200 such objects. As a result, those who plan to do business in the field of milk processing in the mmc, you need only choose a reliable, experienced company, nic, ready to implement this business project on a turnkey basis, as does the Moscow company zao Kolaks-M ", an excellent reputation on the market of dairy equipment.