Tag: Property

    Novosibirsk Feature Articles

    The rapid development of the Novosibirsk hotel market in the two thousandth years contributed to the emergence and development of segments of daily and hourly rental apartments. The total number of housing today is almost equal to the number of hotel rooms and hotels close to 5,000 units. The number of specialists working in this area exceeded one thousand. With this amount of work and there is a need to analyze the activities of companies engaged in the day rent, study of segments of the market, predicting their future endeavors. Analytical Department of the new apartment flats 54.ru, especially for professionals working in the hospitality market in 2010, was released on a number of feature articles. Articles were placed in different sources. For those who have not been able to find them, we will repeat their title and summary of the main theses: Article number 1.

    Apartments for rent in Novosibirsk for days. Questions visiting guests. The paper covered extensively the answers to the most popular questions asked by guests visiting areas of daily rent of apartments and mini-hotels in Novosibirsk. 1.Prisutstvuet whether lodging reservation procedure? If yes, for what period must be booked in the apartment? 2.B what part of the city of Novosibirsk offered housing? 3.Kakova classification apartments? How are they equipped? 4.Ot what factors depends on the price apartment? 5.Suschestvuyuschie payment for accommodation? What financial documents are available for reporting? 6.How way is a settlement in an apartment? What is the difference 7B housing apartments for rent from handed over hotels? 8.Vidy additional services offered to guests? Article number 2.

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    Nikolai Koshman

    Under the agency contract one party (the agent) undertakes to perform for compensation on behalf of another party (the principal) legal and other actions on their behalf, but at the expense of the principal, or on behalf of and at the expense of the principal (Art. 1005 Civil Code). When transferring the land to the ownership of a contract for the sale, the buyer assumes the transfer (the developer) to the local budget the sum of money equivalent to the value of the land, specified in the contract. When making a lease contract developer (lessee) obtains the land for temporary possession and use, and shall pay to the local budget rent in the manner prescribed by the contract. VK: For developers provide tax benefits, deferral of land tax? EK: According to Vladimir Ponomarev, vice president of RSA, * the cost of building materials in the country declined by about 40%, while prices for land fell by 15-20%.

    In this regard, he made the assumption that the cost of housing construction in 2009 could be reduced by approximately 20-25%. In turn, the president of RSA, Nikolai Koshman noted that at present the average construction cost per square meter ranges from 1.5 to 2 thousand dollars. Nikolai Koshman suggested that in these circumstances for developers who build social housing, it would be appropriate to provide tax relief and deferral of land tax by up to three years, but so far these benefits have not yet appeared. VK: Is it possible to "freeze" social projects, financed by the state agencies? EK: Absolutely.

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    Property Manager

    On how the customer will feel, depends on the outcome of negotiations. To make the client feel comfortable to create a favorable environment, condusive to business communication. Meet the client's office or the Secretary must learn to do other employee. Service requires attention to the customer, so Secretary to meet the customer with a smile, to provide comfortable space for negotiations and offer tea or coffee. The negotiation process responsible for the impression the client lies on a realtor. His task competently advise clients on all their questions and agree on the next meeting. Legal advice should contain a detailed and understandable information for the client.

    It is not necessary to try something sell to the client at the first meeting. If the realtor failed to impress and attract the customer, he would return to him. When viewing an object Property Manager must specify all the conditions collaboration, talk about the amount of commission agency, to discuss the advertising campaign of the object. If the client is ready to cooperate with the agency on the basis of an exclusive contract, then you need to give him a plan implementation of the agreement and give the coordinates of the head, with whom he can discuss all your questions. As for shows, clients often express reluctance to work with some realtors, precisely because they show no suitable sites' just to show something. " Realtors need more detail at the first show to find out what requirements the customer presents to the object, which is planning to purchase.

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