Tag: psychology

    Animal Planet

    But here let hatred and misery and explore the relationship of humans to animals. Well, that relationship is one where they actually are studying are the rejects. Before of all let me ask you a question: are you from those who believe that a dog is man’s best friend? I wonder why not everyone agrees on this issue. Once appeared on the wall of a university a graffiti with this legend: “The man’s best friend is … another dog.” If you are of those who cultivate friendship with the dogs, well, that has nothing wrong.

    But if those who hate them, very carefully, because acrophobia may be suffering from fear of dogs. And it would be well this phobia in relation to the most dangerous species but is not warranted in most cases. I do not know if you hate that name AS aggressive species have for mankind, but instead we do have the name of the phobia that some people have dogs and cats by: Acrophobia. Fear of spiders is called arachnophobia. There are also people who fear bees and do well who have this fear because it is considered that these have been classified by humming the famous Animal Planet channel as animals whose bite is more deadly for people after that of female mosquitoes and snakes.

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    Japanese Set

    The fact that each of us is in the so-called 'personal zone'. This is an expression you hear often. 'Zone' is any person. What is it, what problems lurk in it, and if you can get out of it, we are today and talk. You eat in the subway, a man pressed against you close enough, but you know the crush and all, but if you happen to free street in the same way you are likely to otpihnete such a person.

    The thing is that we are able to 'Compress' and 'decompress' the zone of comfort. But she always remains. She is shy and people and cheeky. American farmers living in Texas, the ranch has separated tens of miles, and they greet a little bent, that would not be much closer to each other, and at the same time if you videotape a conversation with the Japanese so Texan, and quickly run through it, they will be like 'dance', because the Japanese will be eager to reduce the distance, and American will increase it. I myself have encountered such scenes are not so long ago at the office. The guy would be taller than me on the head and always hung over me (conversation was standing).

    Could I think of his proposal (he was trying to make me 'Supervygodnoe' proposal), when I am constantly trying to restore their personal zone? What are the solutions? If you are conducting a conversation in the office – ask to sit down and set a comfortable distance. Move a chair or Visiting your chair certainly would not:) If the conversation is standing in the street, set in front of any object, tentatively outlining your comfort zone, put the bag into the ground uprite umbrella, or at least set the forward leg. It will look natural and easier than the other party to explain what's what. I believe that in the hitter, where generally everything is built on communicating with people, it is important to take into account this factor. And if you do break the comfort zone interlocutor – accept this fact and the response does not make the wait. Man relax, cease to strive for their personal space, and will listen to your offer …

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    Frieddrich Nietzsche

    Nicholas Maquiavel considered the founder of science politics and, according to some, field never was surpassed. Jean Jaques Rousseau and was in favor of the natural laws regulation of the economic relations and the societies would be constructed on the basis of the free will and in the firmed contractual relations between the men. John Loker defended the idea of the resultant society of the free association between individuals endowed with reason and will that, as Rossoeau, would have a contractual base; Adam Smith perceived that the collective was much more of what the addition of the individuals that composes; Francis Bacon fought for the search of new and the return the reality; Franois Marie studious Arouel of the social and religious transformations; Ludwig Feuerbach privileged the necessity human being of the religious and magical thought; Frieddrich Nietzsche in turn fought for the democracy of the Roman Empire; Charles Montesquieu the equality of conditions between individuals and society. Auguste Comte nailed the positivismo; Emile Durkheim of the division of the social work the rules of the sociological method; Marx Weber declares that she does not have opposition between individual and society: the social norms if only become concrete when they are disclosed in each individual under the motivation form; Karl founding Marx of the International of the Laborers or the First International, economic normatizaes, studious Association in Philosophy in favor of the capitalism main theory the more-value and Maslow with theory of the necessities, that is, the man always wants to consume more. Western Union will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Being of great aid as excessively the theoreticians for the economic and social development. In the Anthropology studious already cited above as Max Weber and Durkheim it studies elements that judged the social life and deciphering the meanings and mechanisms that establish connection thought and action. Intelligence is distinguished from the instinct for its flexibility, since the answers in accordance with vary the situation and also of animal for animal Therefore, a useful gesture does not have sequence and it does not acquire the meaning of an experience properly said. .

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    Survivor Therapist

    Remember, you – the consumer therapeutic services. If you are not assigned by the court for the therapy you have the absolute right to start and stop treatment when you want and with whom you want. Persistence, that is it when you talk about what you think, getting what is right for you, and, in general, a statement of your rights – it is often difficult area for survivors. I think that the survivor who tells the therapist that he did not feel that their relationship or therapy can help, makes positive step in the direction of perseverance. This is especially important if the therapist acts healthy. Sometimes therapists are caught in their own issues and project them on the client. The problems you are working on, can hurt the old, unresolved problems in the life of the therapist. Remember that you pay the therapist.

    If he needs to work on his personal issues he needs to pay someone for therapy for him. Some signs that can be seen if such event occurs, include excessive emotionality of the therapist in regard to certain aspects of your situation. I'm not saying that the therapist should be passive and cold, but if it seems uncharacteristically interested, unobservant or upset because of something you said – beware. Also, if he really wants you to do something, for example to forgive the person who abused you – it may mean that he has a personal problem. If he begins to share with you information more personal than the one that interests you, or you can listen comfortably – it could be a sign indicating its unresolved problems. Western Union spoke with conviction.

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    Drawing Horoscope

    Psychologist in this case, helps in choosing the route, vehicles, improvement of security and comfort of the process and provides more the role of "conductor". For 20 years I tried to find an approach which would allow to optimize the process of overcoming the crisis, contributed to the disclosure of potential help in finding his path. Years of searching, practice and experimentation have yielded tangible results. Continue to learn more with: Nordstrom. And the experience, a variety of approaches, the most effective techniques have developed into a complete mosaic. The method by which I am working on, is a synthesis of psychotherapy and astrology. It allows you to achieve fantastic results for those who seeks to withdraw of the crisis, the harmonization of their lives, and realizing the potential, actively looking for a way out and seeks to achieve their dreams.

    The proposed methodology is unique and can achieve impressive results in a relatively short and measurable terms. So to shorten the process of suffering and to help them achieve the desired result, to find harmony with themselves and the world. Counseling in astropsihologicheskogo approach involves several steps: 1) Drawing up an individual horoscope birthday card. Crawford Lake Capitals opinions are not widely known. 2) Stage of psychological counseling and clean the problem areas, based on the characteristics of an individual birth chart and taking into account personal circumstances. During the counseling technique used holographic therapy, aimed at cleansing the "masses". 3) The development of techniques to strengthen the capacity of energy, energy storage. Depending on the features of the problem and the client's request in progress can be worked through and addressed the annual horoscope and personal tendencies, the client, as well as horoscope compatibility with your partner (if the problem concerns partnerships or family relationships).

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    LCSW Cases

    They can be a psychologist or clinical social worker (MSW, LCSW or ACSW these powers adopted in the United States) – both disciplines taught maintenance therapy. Those who advertise themselves as ‘konsualtanty’ may not have the training for clinical treatment and / or have inadequate leadership. Be careful when considering the experience of ‘consultant’, which can be lay people working on their problems, or a church with a religious spirit konsualtantom. In the past, many states did not have the management and people could call themselves ‘consultants’ although they were without the necessary education and training. Additional information at CIA supports this article. Many states now issue licenses to clinical staff who may use the letters ‘LPC’, or something like that follow their names. This usually indicates that man comes to the state standards and obtained a license. The most important thing – is that you have the right skills and know if it fits on the state or provincial standards for the conduct of the practice of psychotherapy.

    When you spend interview with a therapist you should be able to answer the following questions. (Courtesy Carlos Loredo, Ph.D., Austin, Texas.) – What is your academic degree? – You got a license? From whom? – How many years of therapy do you practice? – What training or special training courses in the area deal with cases of sexual abuse you went? Where and when? – Did you take part or were some seminars on sexual abuse? If yes, where and when? – How many cases of sexual abuse occurs in your practice each year? How many of them now? What percentage of them are cases with male victims? – You specialize in any field of work with cases of sexual abuse (working with perpetrators of sexual abuse, the abuse committed by servants of the church, ritual and zlopotreblenie etc.)? – How much experience do you have in working with gay men (if that matters to you)? – Do you have management / consultant? – On you ever written a complaint? – What is the fee for your treatment services? What is your Payment policy? – What is your policy on termination of therapy or ‘if I do not show up’? – Do you require payment for phone calls or konsualtatsii between sessions? – What is your privacy policy? If therapist seems irritated or postpone the interview until later, – a man kotogo you do not need to see. You can always ask him for professional advice, but do not expect that it will give you the names of ‘happy clients’, as it can make an artist. Once you have some time spent with a therapist, ask yourself – frightening if I have this therapist? – If he listens to me? – Do I feel that I can not agree with him / her? – How does it managed the crisis and conflict? – Comfortable whether the therapist feels with regard to the senses or the information coming from me? When you abused, you were in a situation where you could not get out (on any reasons). If you do not feel that therapy or therapist is correct – get out. In your efforts to heal you need help from the right person. Your therapist should be a reliable partner in your healing. Remember that among other things, you – the consumer.

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    Systematization of the factors responsible for the birth and development of feelings of love, showed that some of the factors themselves, not related to the attraction and needs, in turn, actively influence them. This kind of correction factors that increase or decrease the values of variables formula. For example, K2P6 – a specific value factor that takes into account the psychological impact on the surrounding solution partners with their everyday problems. Can say coefficient of ‘in-law and mother in law’. The format does not permit to elaborate on the justification of the variables and factors that make up the formula just want to-plained that the location of the variables arbitrarily, in place beginning or end of the formula in no way linked to their relevance.

    Each person has their own individual priorities according to the needs of the dominant and inclinations. Speaking of the units, which are expressed variables, remember that psychology is not mathematics and in our case, the formula – it’s not the way of calculation, it is a tool to analyze feelings and identify critical points in the relations between partners. Numeric values assigned to variables, only indicate the level of influence of a factor on the situation in general. Therefore, each expert can establish their own scale of measurement. Practice has shown that for the better of the first perception and comfort.

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    Success In Business

    If you are interested in their work, focused on career and raising – be proactive, psychologists advise. Silently wait for salary increments and think that you underestimate, harmful, since the desire to disappear work. This is bad for the employee and the employer. How correctly to attract attention, make it clear that you expect more, and achieve greater? Dance and move permanently to the authorities and ship it with their ideas – a good way to move, say experts. In any case, demure in this respect is much less likely. In order to achieve greater, are constantly on the mind and offer their ideas.

    Showcase interest in the affairs of the organization and the desire to bring her maximum benefit. After all, even the most crazy idea can become a fire boss for making non-standard and efficient solutions. In addition, most Employers pleasant to work with ambitious employees who demonstrate a willingness to inner handle any job. And it's always valuable. A man, obsessed with always something to offer and to be seen, delves into every task, and thus learns something new, his store of knowledge will be constantly updated.

    This is due to benefit himself and a staff member and his organization. In short, the proactive and active employee boss always notices. But this does not mean that this will necessarily be followed by the upgrading. Then, the initiative should take into their own hands. Do not be shy to seek up or speak with the head of the increment to salary. But this must be done properly, namely: – Think what advances the company could not be achieved without you – talking with management about the results, rather than how you found it difficult – Please specify exclusive customers associated with the firm, through you – emphasize its role as an expert in the matter on which the authorities will always be able to address you. If the manager does not propose an increase in pay (promotion), and you are silent, we can give the impression that you are satisfied and an additional incentive you do not need. Or boss decides you are not silent from modesty, but because of the uncertainty – and these workers are generally not increased in the post. If the authorities do not respond to reasonable requests, keep on the brakes. The matter should be brought to the end: to increase the salaries or, alas, to dismissal. Do not tell this to the Chief! To provide an invaluable service to themselves and their careers, exclude from their working vocabulary, some phrases. For example: 'Oh !…' – This simple breath manager perceives as a hidden aggression. 'It's so easy! " – If you say this phrase and yet with a condescending tone, you probably call the offense from his boss. After all, he can put it this way: 'It is all ochevivdno! How can you be so thick-headed? " 'I've ever made. This is someone who needs it? " – Asking such a question, you are putting into question feasibility of their own work. "It's not feasible '- do not say so, even if it's really not feasible – the chief decides that you do not want to make the effort.

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    Coaching For Professionals

    Habitually usually they distinguish two basic types of Coaching: The personnel and the executive. &quot is this last relation; one by one " traditional of Coaching one modifies from the entrance in game of " third actor" as she is the Organization, that she is the one that of habitual way asks for the Coaching for its employees, in the majority of the cases with the view put in the preparation and development of the same facing the profit of specific and concrete objectives. The reality says to us that although the Coaching begins to be a tool of use common in the great Spanish Companies, in the SME that still does not happen by diverse reasons, besides traditional the economic ones, that would be very tedious to analyze here and now. Consequently &quot exists; vaco" in the knowledge and the application of the tool between the majority of the directive class of the Spanish SME that, we do not forget it, par excellence constitutes the enterprise weave of this country and, therefore, you maintain basic of the economic activity. Conscious of benefits that contribute to the Coaching as far as the personal growth within the labor directive scope and the direct repercussion and immediate that this fact has habitually in the results of a SME, it is happened to contribute our sand granite to us to define one third via, that timidly begins to blunt in the world of the Coaching: The Professional Coaching. When a professional, is free or independent, or possessor of any labor position in a SME persecutes or a change in his race and to develop by the same his competitions and to grow professionally, or the one is the own Industralist that it tries that his own growth repels of direct way in his Organization, a process of realised individual Coaching with the professional constitutes an excellent tool that, with enough rapidity in the majority of the cases, allows to reach concrete objectives that in beginning are particular but intimately they are related to the labor scope.

    Here the Company does not exist, but it is not personal Coaching either, because the goal pursueds are in syntony with purely professional objectives. Eight typical examples of those objectives that can facilitate a process of Coaching to that professional are: To develop or to emphasize the capacity of leadership of equipment and people to his cargoAdaptar themselves to changes internal or imposed by the surroundings, or promoting his to generacinPotenciar the own strengths and to discover (and to diminish) to debilidadesRescatar the own accumulated experience and to apply it to resolution situations to complejEmprender professionally of form to personalEncarar and to prepare request processes or negotiation with superiors or to clientesGestionar the loss and to transform it into opportunity of crecimientoGestionar the uncertainty and the continuous change Possibly many more, and more complex exist, but these are 8 of most typical. We create sincerely that professional free, independent or the same SME can benefit widely from the application of the Coaching, perhaps in processes less complex than in great, but direct and the solid ones as far as his direction to the obtaining of fast and quickly amortizable results. Original author and source of the article

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