Tag: que-es-un-plan-de-negocio

    What Is A Business Plan?

    Business plan (or business plan) is an important element for entrepreneurs that we will explain briefly below. Governor Cuomo: the source for more info. The business plan is a document with many applications. The first one is to make strategic programming. Investment, financing, sales, costs, profitability are examples of the valuable data it contains along with other elements. It is also the card of presentation of the project, a Studio that allows you to sell to investors, bankers or partners. Business presentation is usually begin with a summary view of content called executive summary report. As its name indicates, this part is to publicize the most important elements of the business plan and the key conclusions of the report. It contains a presentation of the team that promotes the project, an explanation of the business model, and of course information on profitability which is expected, the required investment and how to finance.

    The commercial Studio business analysis attempts to answer the following question mark: to what level of sales can society expect? Way to be able to estimate them, it is essential to determine the segmentation of clients, while a study of competition and market is made. The market data lead to estimate sales volumes, always starting actual and verifiable data. And as we have already determined the sale prices, just a simple multiplication to estimate the future billing. Then it is important to try to make multiple hypotheses, neither optimistic nor very pessimistic, to remove a neutral estimate. Financial study seeks the answer to another question: what return give me these sales? Need an exhaustive study of all expenses and all investments that are required to start the project. All the data in hand, is used to make the financial statements of the future company, allowing to assess the necessary financing and the expected profitability. Other staff elements, legal or technical issues will also be valued if they are relevant to the future company.