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    Moroccan Diplomacy

    First the Moroccan minister of the Foreign affairses visits the Argel of a head of the Moroccan diplomacy since 2003 and of the cooperation, Saad Eddine Othmani, he initiates in this monday 23 of January one visit of two days to Algeria. This is the first official visit the Argel of a head of the Moroccan diplomacy since 2003. It must find its homologous Algerian, Mourad Medelci; also will be received by the president of the republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. One visits seen as historical for the Moroccan side. First time in nine years, officially inquires the visit of the new Moroccan Minister of the Foreign affairses. The interpretations are many, and it is not by chance. The relations between Morocco and Algeria had been tense per many years, mainly because of the litigation on the Saara Occidental person.

    Morocco demand the sovereignty of this region. Algeria, it defends a regulation with respect the autodermino of the people sarau. Finally, the terrestrial border between the two countries was closed per almost 18 years, according to diplomats, the heads of state of both the countries are incapable of if speaking preventing any right contact in congress, cimeira or in the cupolas. But in the last months, the signals of the heating had increased. Of delegations of the two countries already they had changed to visits some times, and the King Mohammed VI reiterated, with the hands extended for Algeria. To end, the Algerian authorities had agreed for the first time so that the Moroccan ciclista stroll crosses the famous border. Asking then if to these facts and visits they mean that the countries they had embedded machadinha of war? That is what it waits the Moroccans. Because this quasi cold war penalizou the socioeocnmicos economy of the Kingdom and sectors that depend on the Algerian oil. The negotiations and consultations continue to advance the wait to open the borders and to retake the questions hot as the dossier of saara occidental person.

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    “You should grow and multiply,” is a Biblical order given to the human beings. We fulfill so well this part that we seem most obedient of the beings. So that in fact colocoumo was accomplished the nature sexual pleasure that stimulates the copulao. The consequncia is a world supertown. We today have more than 7 billion people in the world. People who eat, consume, desire, destroy, love, suffer, perseveram and reproduce. She could be said that our planet does not go to support for much time this sped up growth. Studious they foresee a period of stabilization.

    The problem is that studies fail and the people do not stop to procreate.Exactly with the invention of the pill and other ways of prevention of the pregnancy we have a great number of desired and not desired births. We had much technological advance and today with varied vaccines, antibiotics, surgeries and ties-up the people live more. She reduced infantile mortality, this is good. The problem is that the longevity increased in amount of years and not in quality. We have many old inactive, sick ones, entrevados that they consume resources of the nature, government. People who cannot and do not want to work, to only receive without no perspective from car something for the society. One of the causes of the European economic crisis is this, much aged, broken providence.

    Who to give itself well is the manufacturers of remedies. The death is seen as one badly to be prevented all the cost, good for being thus, but the society meagers of this form. To live with quality of life for 80, 90, 100 or more years is good, the problem is to draw out the cost all vegetative existences only on account of a maken a mistake interpretation of the human rights. Still we live in the nature, we obey its laws and one of them is the vital cycle to age and to die. We spend resources postponing the inevitable one and we leave to invest in the society that adoece when the young ones are private of job, where the children lack of good education. We have two exits for this Pu problem we make a birth control as she is made in China or we leave that the nature acts and that weakkest perishes. What he is desumano? We go to think about increasing the resources, more technology, populating the moon, to inhabit other planets, to make floating cities in the seas, life of light, we will set to wait it. Well, meanwhile she does not happen we have the problem that she continues growing, therefore the people does not stop, of if reproducing nor to age and insist on not dying. there?

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    Paulo Minimum Wage

    The So Paulo minimum wage takes care of the 105 occupations that are not contemplated agreements or collective conventions of work, generally functions that support of category unions does not have. The newness this year is the floor of R$ 720,00, considered as minimum for state public officers, who currently the value is in R$ 630,00 and can directly benefit 33 a thousand public workers of the State of So Paulo. A floor does not refer the municipal public servers and nor to the pensioners. Another newness for 2.012 is the negotiation with the syndical fronts for advance payment of the So Paulo minimum, to coincide with the national minimum that today has readjustment in January of each year.

    The readjustment considered for governor Geraldo Alckmin was of 15%, making with that the minimum wage pass of current R$ 600,00 for R$ 690,00. The first band takes care of the domestic workers, maids, fishing, messengers, workers of the field (known as diligent farming and forest), continuous, assistant of general services clerical, laundrymen, ascensoristas, motoboys, used not-specialized of the commerce, workers of mines and quarries, or workers of movement and manipulation of merchandises and materials that do not belong the unions. The value of readjustment considered for the second band was of 14,75%, passing of current R$ 610,00 for R$ 700,00. The second band takes care of to the professionals who work as agricultural and forest operators of machines and implementos, machines of the civil construction, mining and to cut and to cultivate wood, mailmen, dyers, professionals of beauty hall and centers of embelezamento as: manicures, pedicures, barbers, others.

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