Tag: services & consulting

    Everyday Life

    Our professional, but also our daily lives is becoming increasingly international. PayPal is actively involved in the matter. Almost everyone is confronted in everyday work or private life sooner or later with a translation needs. Who operates in a globally operating company, sees in the context of participation in a procurement procedure at once that that the tender documents in English are available and also the corresponding bid on English task, must be drawn up, and the whole in a very tight time frame. In such situations, it is recommended to contact that has experience in the translation of tender documents from German into English, Russian, Spanish, Korean, etc. a reputable translation agency. A reliable translation agency is worth gold even if you sold a machine or equipment to an international client and this requires a translation of the maintenance or operating instructions from German into Japanese, Turkish or Dutch. A professional translation agency selects a mother-tongue translator or a translator for these and similar tasks that already extensive texts translated in this area of expertise.

    Are often also clinics or universities looking for professional translators who specialise in the translation of medical texts. Particularly in the area of medical expertise for making a professionally correct and high-quality translation is essential. As a private person is, may be faster with a specific translation needs than you think, too. For example, if one is ill on holiday abroad and now his employer the insult of Spanish translation German, French German, Croatian German etc. must submit.

    Often medical translators are also in the private sector used when an individual abroad would like to undergo a medical examination or surgery abroad had. In such and similar cases must often extensive English operation reports can German, Russian, Czech, etc. are translated German, German, be initiated so that, for example, in Germany the corresponding treatment. Otherwise, individuals need typically German certified translations of Russian birth certificates, by marriage certificates English German, by naturalization assurances Ukrainian German, Portuguese Ledigkeitsbescheinigungen German, as well as by many other official documents. No warranty / liability is taken for the correctness of the contents. Professional quick service specialist translations GmbH

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    Street Promotion

    u0085in Hamburg or elsewhere: Street promotions impress with originality and emotional appeal, quality and perfect implementation for event managers of a promotion agency in Hamburg or elsewhere would be a quiz show question absolutely no problem to the Community pillar, popular song and living Billboard. Familiar with the latest trends as well as with the historical background of their industry, would the answer promotion agency specialists immediately at hand: advertising and marketing on the road, or further grouped in the public space. PayPal may also support this cause. Since the Berlin Ernst Litfass 1855 plakatierte his first circular with messages and advertising, much time in the country is gone. “And also the songs referred to as popular song, the its name originally from in the 16th century popular song” mentioned singing – and thus making advertisements for popular music revellers on the streets were, have a long history. As well as the moving through their human billboards, which strengthened at the beginning of the 20th century. Century was employed as the life in the streets of the cities was increasingly busy. For promotional agencies and their clients, advertising companies of various industries, is the subject of street promotions today as exciting as never before. And that mainly for three reasons: firstly a promising concentration of the target group will be found depending on the targeted selection of the location for the street promotion there, secondly the planned brand positioning can be supported effectively by direct experience bar make of the product or the brand and third street promotions almost ideally suited as efficient part in the context of a networked advertising campaign. Promotional agencies use their complex knowledge of the potential for an effective interplay of various means of communication here. And they have the necessary know-how, productive to implement its concept for the promotion of street to the marketing objectives defined together with the customer. The bandwidth in the concept development and realization of a street promotion to illustrate, should be outlined at this point the following exemplary scenario: A promotion agency in Hamburg receives from a major cosmetic manufacturers commissioned to promote the launch of a new fragrance by means of live communication with potential customers.

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    HECTAS Presents Innovative Hygiene Solutions

    Old people’s and nursing requires high hygiene standards – HECTAS reduces risk of infection by using non-prejudicial disinfectant Wuppertal, February 23, 2010 in hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes is the well-being of patients in the foreground. The hygiene in such Community institutions therefore has a similarly high priority. HECTAS facility services developed for clients in the health care industry needs hygiene concepts, aimed at, inter alia through the use of highly effective cleaning and disinfection agents patients and caregivers to protect from infections. HECTAS presents their subject-specific solutions from 23rd to 25th February 2010, Hall 4, booth 4F67, on the care & rehab in Stuttgart. The trade fair is one of the most important German events for the management and staff of care and rehabilitation facilities. Around 250 exhibitors inform developments and trends in the industry during three days of the fair on. Stationary in the frame of the subject focus and out-patient care”provides the possibilities of modern HECTAS Cleaning and disinfecting before. Holistic hygiene concepts of service providers helping old people’s and nursing institutions to streamline parts of their work processes and cost structures.

    Since 2009, we focus more on the health sector. We have here successfully expanded our sales activities”, explains Jens Koenen, head of marketing and business development of HECTAS. Our quality is high. We appeal to customers who permanently strive for a higher level of hygiene.” Risk of infection reduce the concepts of HECTAS regular disinfection measures provide in addition to the thorough cleaning viruses, the spread of bacteria, fungi and other pathogens to avoid. The company used the innovative disinfectant Oxidice S exclusive-des.

    The product is characterized by a high impact at low concentration and dosage. In addition, it is safely applicable on all surfaces. Natural fruit acids is based, Oxidice S-des for the people completely harmless and also biologically degradable. In the care sector we recommend the use of Oxidice our customers, provides the means for a completely sterile environment and it leaves no toxic residues “, explains Sebastian Kramer, Disinfector and hygiene consultant at HECTAS. Pathogens are transmitted very quickly in old people’s and nursing homes. And high costs caused by high sick leave, loss of personnel or even quarantine. We want to prevent that”Kramer explains how the claim of HECTAS. The company with its headquarters in Wuppertal and three branches in the region of Baden-Wurttemberg is not just specialist for routine, preventative cleaning and disinfection. Even if a contagious disease, for example, an infection breaks out in a health care facility and spread, the service provider manages intervention with its emergency service. So the trained staff lead for example short-term acute disinfection through. About HECTAS: HECTAS facility services Stiftung & co. KG with its headquarters in Wuppertal is one of the leading quality providers for infrastructure building in Europe. The company employs 12,000 employees in nine European countries in the segments building-cleaning services, building services and security services. HECTAS was founded in 1974 as a subsidiary of the Vorwerk group. HECTAS offers its sophisticated, developed individually for each customer solutions, inter alia in the fields of industry, management, food processing, health and care, trade and logistics.

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    German Association

    Now, online press releases for SMEs, associations, authorities, etc. are professionally created and Neubrandenburg published online, 10.08.2012 – the Internet portal provides a new service Fundusgalerie.de now available. Cooperation network courier, who is a member of the German Association of press journalists, creates and inserted in the popular online press portals your online press releases according to your specifications, ideas, also with professional photos. These press releases are more than the electronic form of the traditional press release. As publicly available information, announcements and releases your company, the online press release directly accessed not only editors, but also potential customers. Through the publications of press portals and social media, online press releases provide more range and pave the way for new customers. The current daily press has generally little to no interest to publish their notices and announcements. Most You can an article only in connection with an expensive advertisement in the respective daily press install and after a day’s newspapers yesterday! Online article on the Internet be found even after days, are search engines available and even after a long time to understand. Contact and more information on the website of the fundus Gallery with fundusgalerie.

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    New Startup Companies

    The Website Optimizer: SEM, SEO, usability with SENSational marketing can there be in the future a new term in the Internet marketing field. The startup company SENSational marketing focuses on search engine optimization as a core service and are available to companies from various sectors to the page. The Website Optimizer from SENSational marketing from Leverkusen do so gladly and with comprehensive solutions available. Founder of the startup company is the Dipl. kfm.

    (FH) Bastian Sens. SENSational marketing has a current sense for trends on the Internet and thus sees the economic success of its customer focus. By competent advice to operational services in search engine marketing and customer loyalty, for example, help with email marketing, SENSational marketing takes care of its customers. The services are aimed primarily at companies who want to generate more sales with their own Internet presence. The search engine marketing includes the website optimization and switching in this area by Advertising through Google AdWords. Alone, the optimization can help better find the website under relevant keywords in Google & co.. The value can be set of regional and supra-regional keywords.

    The page is better locate advertisements help to bring the company closer to potential new customers and communities of interest. The absolute advantage of company SENSational marketing lies in the integrated solution approach for the success of the Internet, which is extra prepared by experts on the needs of the company. For example, a new corporate identity for the web to be created, SENSational marketing is exactly the right partner for you. The aims and goals of our customers at all provided all services to the fore, so that they themselves can decide, are headed as the visitors of its website, what to see and what to click on. Ultimately many targets can be implemented if the own possibilities are known and researched in online marketing. Bastian Sens

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    Enterprise Security

    Ascopert offers companies a comprehensive advice and support in all areas of the enterprise security many companies is not aware that it is of the utmost importance, mandatory to comply with internal and external rules and regulations. The compliance system of Ascopert is a holistic system that covers everything from the initial review (compliance check) regular training (compliance training), measures to raise awareness (awareness area) to continuous inspections (compliance audit). With the compliance organization of Ascopert to arm businesses against business risks and protect yourself from image losses and possible liability claims of third parties. Ascopert uses the forensic service and the forensic investigations in the area of economic crime. Difficult situations are processed by means of forensic analysis. Objectively and secretive Ascopert experienced experts clarify facts (crime investigation) and thus effectively contribute to harm reduction (fraud prevention and fraud Investigation) at.

    With the risk management process, Ascopert operates a professional analysis of weak points through which creates a detailed risk management consulting for the customers. The risk and opportunity management by Ascopert recorded competently all entrepreneurial potential and minimized greater reputational damage caused by unforeseen events. More and more companies are that there are weak points within the company today in clear. But what they are exactly, it is often unclear. Ascopert goes into a sophisticated security management with a detailed analysis of the weak points. A security concept (security concept) and continuous security checks (security audit) continue the process and specifically prepared the company for a worthwhile safety testing (security certification).

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    Short Money Is Entitled To Temporary Workers – Conditions Improved

    Temporary workers is Frankfurt/Main short-time money conditions improved, July 2009. What was not possible in 2005, allows a change in the law now: since December 1, 2008, also employed by temporary employment agencies can get unemployment money (Kug). The Frankfurt-based recruitment agency manpower Germany points out. Precondition is that a client companies for its own core employees also apply for short-time working. This option new for the temporary employment sector has been achieved through an amendment of the employees transfer Act. “With the unemployment money plus” the framework conditions for applications for short-time working have been improved retroactively to July 1, 2009, from the perspective of the companies even once. Thanks to the changes workers in the temporary work sector now also with regard to short-time working are assimilated to the workers of other sectors”, emphasized the labour market expert manpower, Marcel Pelzer. Short-time work helps to secure jobs.” Manpower offers the chance to qualify workers briefly Pelzer according to.

    You can also on voluntary actions such as the 24 HELP of Manpower Social Day”take part. Until the spring of this year, the payment of short money in the temporary employment industry was legally impossible. Against this background the Federal Social Court in Kassel ruled recently in one case in 2005, then right no short money for a temporary agency workers had been granted (AZ B7 AL 3/08 R). How the new rules will work for the permanent staff of a client company introduced short-time working there employed temporary workers may also work briefly. You do not need to be deregistered. The temporary employment agencies for its employees must request for short-time working. The previously applicable obligation of 100% working failure shall not apply.

    Like other employers, the temping agencies as employers pay workers in short-time working for the actually paid by them Labor wage and salary. The employment agency partially compensates for the temporary workers during short-time working income loss over the short money. The federal employment agency refunded the contributions from the seventh month of the Shelley reference to the company. Applies retroactively since 1 July for the short-time work applied for from 1 January 2009. “This so-called short money plus” is limited until 31 December 2010. Company contact: Manpower GmbH & co. KG personnel services Thomas Engeroff Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 31 60313 Frankfurt T + 49 (69) 15303-242 F: + 49 (69) 15303-222 E: press contact: WEFRA PR society for Public Relations mbH Dr. Andreas Bachmann medium Dicker WEG 1 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Zeppelinheim) T: + 49 (69) 69 5008 78 F: + 49 (69) 69 5008 71 E: about manpower: manpower is worldwide one of the leading recruitment agency for recruitment, Staffing and human resources solutions. Manpower maintains around the world a Network of 4,500 offices in 80 countries. This makes manpower capable of, the requirements of approximately 400,000 customers from small companies, to operate through the medium-sized companies to multinational corporations. Manpower offers its employees a fixed workplace with training and career opportunities around the world. The vision of manpower is leading in the development and provision of services to which customers and applicants in the changing world of work can be successful.

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