Tag: variable

    The Company

    They will not only learn new skills, but that they will also have to forget some of the things that make now. Therefore, often finds a resistance, perhaps moved by the fear, but that can be reduced if you find how to do that people dominate new technologies in a comfortable way. Selling change: should participate all who might influence the success or failure of the change. Senior management must sell the need for change to promote the active involvement in the management of change in order to create the feeling that belongs to everyone. The reason for the change should be: short (a page should be sufficient), clear (must well describe the reason for the change), detailed (people have to know what’s going to be different), focused on employees (must contemplate the potential concerns of the staff), limited (changes must be done quickly), and set dates for achieving it.

    It is necessary to achieve the consensus of all employees. This requires the existence of a regular, open and frequent communication that flow from top commanders to the base and vice versa. It is necessary and desirable to tell the truth. People have to rely on those who run the change and bother them feel ‘ that not they know exactly what happens’ or which are manipulated. The style of management with greater likelihood of success is characterized by open, honest and direct. For more information see Tiffany & Co.. Develop a plan: quite often the changes are complex, we have to do many things at once.

    It is important to consider the company as a ‘system’, with elements that are interrelated. You must understand all the elements of the system and take into account their interactions. A plan that should be developed with the greatest possible collaboration is necessary to coordinate multiple initiatives. You can not, or not is should, detail all actions, since staff must participate in a creative way. The plan shall identify the points that must be special attention and specify the steps for key areas. Technological changes vary in terms of its scale (the scale of change) and scope (the number of persons and activities concerned). Grow the scale or scope, the plan becomes more important. Often need different levels of planning and project management techniques will be needed to coordinate all the elements of the process. Learn: Learning is the most powerful tool to help manage a process of change in an SME. You will sometimes seek a training structured but training, experimentation and individual development are also very important and equipment. In addition, managed change requires an environment of experimentation that does not penalise ‘honest’ failures. You have to explore new technologies and frequently must be done as if it were a game, so they are not too daunting. As people learn, their attitudes will be unlocked and develop ideas that push forward the process of change. It must develop a cycle of accion-experimentacion – review. It is essential that the cycle repeats constantly or otherwise learning will not occur. Control efficiency: need established milestones to evaluate how things are doing. A way to evaluate it It would be through the enthusiasm with which people are involved, but tangible results are needed. Once it is running a programme of change, actions are louder than words.

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