The Company
7 They generate productive employment, job opportunities for others. 8 Meet humility a social role, for the good of the country 9.-relatives are taught the art of doing own business. 10.-Are a source of practical knowledge. We must not be afraid to undertake, to start the company, but If we must prepare ourselves so that we can have 70% chance of success. To be successful, must have a minimum, small formation, but solid. We can get this minimum training by various means if we are serious and we are committed to it. It’s not expensive, it’s very cheap.
It is available on the Internet, but should please you read, investigate, drink knowledge. Visit pages of management issues, read articles, free courses, to know the experiences of others, participate in blogs, help us a lot. Local newspapers have items of business, experiences of business, techniques, science, economy, which are very important to read. If you don’t like reading, feeling lost, but housewives study finished badly. The study is the basis of our preparation to face life challenges. Not enough initiative, the good desire to do things, requires discretion, knowledge, to be able to undertake, making reality the own business.
Is not necessary to make a college degree, many the they have done and work driving taxi, sell hamburgers, working in company publishes, earn little money. University degree you do not become a person of success, what will make you successful in life is: knowledge. The man who has the knowledge, transforms reality, dominates the others. To transform the reality of its own labour, required make an investment small, medium, large, in an activity of services, etc. To be successful, this activity our required to minimize the risk, take appropriate decisions. Knowledge is needed to do all this. Can acquire it knowledge only studying… smile and be happy.