The State School Education

    In this process the professor was losing, or he did not have the chance to form its condition of knowledge producer, the reality is that the pupils are each time more if distanciando its agreement of a critical Geography that not only studies maps, regions places, but that he shows to the formation space partner of its daily one, the paper of Geography are of to teach to facts or events, when the professor searchs through its formation and of its knowledge, it looks for to make with that the pupil is co-authors of knowing, elaborates texts from the reality of its pupils. 3.1 – Characterization of the School: The State School situated Elvira Saint in the district of Elvira Saint city of Juscimeira- TM, was published in 22 of July of 1974, is kept by the official net of Education of the State of Mato Grosso, where its modality of Education is the cycle of Basic formation that is divided basic Ensino in cycles and phases, authorized for the resolution of n 849/76, and recognized for would carry of n 3277/92, authorized not professionalizing Average Ensino for the resolution of n 317/01 of 2001, for 514/04 CEE/MT would carry n, and still the modality of Education Young Education Adult. The School takes care of the three turns matutino, vespertine and nocturnal, a total of 487 pupils, being that this school is the only one in the district therefore is considered as agricultural school, where it takes care of the pupils of the small farms, farms and nestings, possess a team of 48 employees, divided in Administrative Managers, Professors, Technician and Support. The school until the present moment does not possess formed professors and qualified in Geography, also they are not effective being thus to contract professors of other areas as: Biological Pedagogo, Sciences and tie Physical Education, only exist a formed effective professor and qualified in History, where it contributes with some lessons of disciplines of Geography.

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