When We Became Egoistic

    There are many ways to live, I believe that I choose the best one: to share! A reality that I lived today, like expectant is not story but without looking for it, within a store of supermarket in my city of work. A note was writing to publish it in my newspaper when something drew attention to me: One lady who had bought food arranged to leave the establishment accompanied by carryboy or assistant that the cart of purchases took, when suddenly one destitute lady, of provincial aspect approached to him to solicit from him that to buy some caramels to him that sold, when the lady of high class felt sorry itself and she asked to him the young assistant who lead to him to the patio of meals and she gave a ticket him so that she bought a consisting of food a coffee and emparedado of chicken. Thus the young person did and lead to the lady to the described place. It received the food and the young person returned to where the beneficient lady to accompany it to his destiny. In that I saw that the humble and poor lady left rauda the place towards the door. I believed that it had not liked the gesture that one and reacted against a possible attitude of " ofensa" when what did it went to call to its husband who beyond the corner also offered caramels to the passers-by.

    One approached and together both they went to the table and they shared the little food. When we stopped being shared in common to be egoistic? It is already hour to return to our human nature. All we are brother in this unique called house Earth. Dmonos manoy we watch the interior of our hearts that the reason of existing is to love. We make the change definitive to have filled the happiness heart. To share what we have is to revalue our human quality, is to secure through the reason the essence of men and true women. Merry Christmas! Original author and source of the article

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