Month: November 2012

    San Francisco

    In the day where I will be myself, or better, to die, I want very I cry, however few candles, a star already has proper light (it is my ego). I want that the current mayor smiles and until gargalhe on ' ' I defunto' ' , therefore it would not support demagogy, but I want mine three days of I fight, with right the flag the half mast. I will not need carpideiras, therefore the widowers will be as much who the tears will make to overflow the river San Francisco (ta pretension). In the day where I to die, want that they silence the horns and they sing for the streets my songs, declaim my verses and they spill a thousand compliments on my corpse (Fool illusion). I want that my enemies hold the handle of my coffin and play sand shovels on my hollow, therefore I want they curse that me until the last moment.

    My friends will even though go for the way counting my causos, floreando my life, placing color where at moments I was black sheep (until friends they tire). In the day where I to die, want that cachaa either distributed of favour, after all, who it lived tipsy of verses has that at least embebedar those that to reach had never obtained me. I want that the formadores of opinion supplicate a thousand plagues against my corpse, then, who does not obtain to curse what it is in the face, at least does not go to arranhar my tomb. I want a epitfio thus: ' ' It died, but he continues insuportvel' '! I want that the bars never close before ' ' saideira' ' interminable and that the bohemians sing until waking up the inherent deafness. In the day where I to die, want they dress that me of black color, after all, I want to seem lean and esbelto.

    Who knows comes one to receive anja me? But of the skill that the things walk, I find that I will erase the light and I will close the door. My health is of iron and is stubborn until pra to die. The death alone to reach goes me if I to want, vixe, was to turn side pro and I almost fell. Sarav, my father! Vade backward! Oxe! IT IS MARKED

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    The Flow

    The flow of latent heat and flow of sensible heat is equally important forms of loss of heat in the continents; 3. Thus, for the Land in its set, the flow of latent heat is responsible for 82% of the liquid radiation and the turbulent exchange of heat is considered as being 18%. In such a way, according to Ayoade, considering the dynamics of distribution of the liquid radiation and the transference of latent and sensible heat, has the following global energy rocking: 1. The values of annual liquid radiation more are raised in the low latitudes and decrease in direction to the polar regions, from the latitude of 25; 2. The values of liquid radiation little more are raised in the oceans of what in the continents, in the same latitudes, mainly because of the biggest absorption of the radiation on the oceans and the lesser amount of radiation that is set free; 3. The values of liquid radiation are well inferior in the barren continental areas of what in the humid continental areas, because of the biggest amount of lost radiation in barren continental areas under relatively clean skies …. the flows of latent heat and sensible heat are distributed in different way on the continental and oceanic surfaces. The flow of latent heat more is raised on the oceanic surfaces and in the low latitudes.

    (1986, P. 43) Finally, the solar radiation when happening on the Land perpassa for processes of attenuation still in the atmosphere, when arriving at the terrestrial surface will go to interact directly with the diverse elements that are part of the terrestrial system, however, such interaction takes in consideration the period of the year, the altitude of the Sun, latitude, as well as, the distribution of the liquid and terrestrial surfaces and the aspects of the same ones. The solar radiation does not act with the same intensity in all the portions of the Land, thus, substantially distinct rockings of radiation inside of the system will occur atmosphere-surface and also in regions sub-regions that form the terrestrial surface.

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    Paulo Minimum Wage

    The So Paulo minimum wage takes care of the 105 occupations that are not contemplated agreements or collective conventions of work, generally functions that support of category unions does not have. The newness this year is the floor of R$ 720,00, considered as minimum for state public officers, who currently the value is in R$ 630,00 and can directly benefit 33 a thousand public workers of the State of So Paulo. A floor does not refer the municipal public servers and nor to the pensioners. Another newness for 2.012 is the negotiation with the syndical fronts for advance payment of the So Paulo minimum, to coincide with the national minimum that today has readjustment in January of each year.

    The readjustment considered for governor Geraldo Alckmin was of 15%, making with that the minimum wage pass of current R$ 600,00 for R$ 690,00. The first band takes care of the domestic workers, maids, fishing, messengers, workers of the field (known as diligent farming and forest), continuous, assistant of general services clerical, laundrymen, ascensoristas, motoboys, used not-specialized of the commerce, workers of mines and quarries, or workers of movement and manipulation of merchandises and materials that do not belong the unions. The value of readjustment considered for the second band was of 14,75%, passing of current R$ 610,00 for R$ 700,00. The second band takes care of to the professionals who work as agricultural and forest operators of machines and implementos, machines of the civil construction, mining and to cut and to cultivate wood, mailmen, dyers, professionals of beauty hall and centers of embelezamento as: manicures, pedicures, barbers, others.

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