Month: December 2016

    Choosing Equipment

    Want your shop, factory, a pharmacy operated without interruption and on a monthly basis and make a profit, rather than operate at a loss? Then do not take money and put them in pos-acquisition systems. Just do not make the wrong choice, otherwise correctly pick up the equipment is nothing but wasted money and nerves will not bring. If you pick up what you need to optimize, it will reach an entirely new level of control over monetary operations, thereby increasing efficiency and multiplying profits. In English the POS-system is translated as point of sales – point of sales. It usually includes a computer, cash drawer, display, receipt printer, keyboard or scanner. With the help of a computer system generates detailed reports, taking into account that you can quickly create a quick solution for your business. If you are going to buy this equipment, you need to start decide about its hardware. What kind of monitor you would prefer – lcd or touch?

    Do you need a programmable keyboard or can be completely satisfied with the ordinary? As Practice shows that many firms are choosing touch monitors. They are now based on flat lcd. A touch-sensitive, though there are slightly more expensive, about U.S. $ 500-800 instead of 200-400, but they require much less places, and they are more convenient for the cashiers. What are the prices for ready-POS-system? The system is fully adapted to your business, can cost from $ 1500, and ending with $ 3000 per seat. Typically, this value includes all hardware, software and support for consultations with specialists. The system will pay for itself in a couple of years, so make your choice. Buying POS-system, do not forget the cash registers. You can buy them virtually every company in this area, but remember that miser pays twice. Pay attention to the brand manufacturer known whether she is well proven in the consumer market? Read reviews on the Internet, find out what equipment is right for you.

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    Russian Finance Ministry

    In this accounting of assets, liabilities and business transactions in respect of business activities subject to taxation single tax on imputed income by taxpayers in general procedure. Taxpayers engaged in along with a business subject to tax a single tax on imputed income, and other types of business, calculate and pay taxes and Fees for these activities in accordance with other modes of taxation, provided the Code. On the basis of paragraph 1 of Art. 346.11, paragraph 4 of Art. 346.12 and Section 1, Art.

    346.26 Code of simplified taxation system may be used together with tax system in the form of a single tax on imputed income. Paragraph 8 of Art. 346.18 of the Code is established that taxpayers are transferred to individual activities to pay a single tax on imputed income certain activities in accordance with Sec. 26.3 of the Code, are separate records of income and expenditure for various special tax regimes. In case of failure of cost sharing in the calculation of tax base, calculated at the different special tax regimes, these costs are allocated in proportion to the shares of income in total income received by the application of these special tax regimes. Conduct of business separate account for use by taxpayers at the same time the tax system in the form of a single tax on imputed income and a simplified tax system is not installed Code.

    Thus, the organization develops and approves the order of separate accounting. In this way the organization used a separate accounting must be unambiguously attributed these or other indicators to different species business. Designed by an organization separate accounting procedures must be spelled out in the order of accounting policies or in any local document approved by order of the organization (Order of the individual entrepreneur), or multiple documents that together contain all the rules regarding the conduct of the organization of separate accounting. Its design must governed by Federal law from 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ “On Accounting”. Please also be advised that in accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, approved by RF Government Decree from 30.06.2004 N 329 (hereinafter – Regulations), Regulation and Finance of Russia, approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance from 23.03.2005 N 45n (hereinafter – Regulations), the Russian Finance Ministry considers individual and collective appeals of citizens and organizations on issues within the scope of the Ministry. Thus, in accordance with the Regulations and Rules of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, unless the law provides otherwise, shall not be considered on the merits treatment for the examination contracts, foundation and other documents of the organizations, as well as evaluation of specific business situations.

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    The completed form number 10, the form can be purchased in the building where the State recorder. All documents are filled in the official language. According to Art. 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine the state language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. In this registration card is filled with typewritten or in block letters. After filing the documents do not relax – what documents are accepted for consideration, does not mean that you are an entrepreneur.

    State Registrar has a number of reasons for refusal to register: 1. Inconsistency of information submitted on the registration card, the information specified in other documents, so you need very careful and pay attention to filling the card. 2. If the FLP earlier was registered, and registration in the future has not been revoked. 3. If an individual is referred to the legislation of a group of people who do not have the right to engage in certain activities (in our case – business), in consequence, for example, restrictions on civil capacity. 4.

    State registrar is also entitled to return the documents without consideration if a citizen asked for an improper the place of state registration if the documents are submitted are not in full. In the case of detection of the above violations of the State Registrar shall issue the applicant a notice of refusal, indicating grounds for rejection and return the documents submitted. With 34 grn. for registration or refund is not compensable. A certificate of state registration of FLP. Within three working days from the date of registrar of all necessary documents certificate shall be issued to the applicant on his hands, as practice shows, in Odessa, a certificate issued on the day of submission of all required documents.

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