Month: February 2017

    The Wine Market In El Siglo

    In the twenty-first century much has begun to change, and we do not receive letters, emails we receive, we will not travel agents, now buy our flights on the network, we no longer buy movies, now we share the Internet, and many so many things that have changed our habits and the habits of our businesses. Broadband has been a huge revolution for the business world, to their way of communication and ultimately their way of doing business. Therefore Virtual Wine Fair has created a platform where buyers and sellers of wine can be found, and satisfy their mutual business needs. Sellers (wineries) have found a window to the world, which look out and showcase their products, so that thousands of professionals can access their products with a single click. By contrast, dealers have access to databases of products on sale, so it facilitates the discovery of new wines with which to conquer the local market. , Was born as an application of a sales technique created hundreds of years, and based on the concentration of supply.

    At first provincial fairs were born in the Middle Ages, later national fairs in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and now the markets are international. Virtual Wine Fair has transferred this concept to our days sales (e-market) and has succeeded in producing all parts of the world agree on a common place where they facilitate access to potential clients and thus enhance the chances of growth exports. All without having to endure a high cash outlay, such as when a store moves a physical exhibition. The e-market has more than ninety wineries exhibitors from countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Argentina, South Africa, Lebanon, Uruguay, etc … to complete a list of over 500 wines ready for release, classified by origin, characteristics and sales price to the dealer. We can find in the virtual exhibition pavilions occupied by four distributors, packaging, machinery companies, and designations of origin complete the offer of the fair. Virtual Wine Fair is the advancement of a coming change and that change strategies for the sale of wine and how to notify them. Whether we like it or not, the business comes through the network, and the sooner we adapt better harvest.

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    Global Recession

    The fashionable phrase remains the global economic crisis or global recession. But despite everything, he has been at different times in the history of mankind that have been created the largest fortunes in the worst crisis. Then, what is the essential meaning that lies behind the word crisis? The word crisis in Chinese means opportunity and what really provokes a profound crisis is a profound change. Many people in the world have stalled in old paradigms, in the old way of doing business in the industrial era. All these people who are resistant to change, that living in the past and those wishing that things will again be as before, will suffer more and more and the end will be the most affected. In this era which is touching us live, the information age, the only thing constant is change an increasingly accelerated change. The Internet is creating a revolution where those who detect this tremendous change in a timely manner may become the protagonists of the era of information and not victims as people that refuses to accept the reality.

    We want or don’t want, change is going to give or is taking place, then the point is you questioning yourself on which side of the scale you want to be: on the side of the protagonists, or on the side of the victims. There is nothing more to see what has happened with the automotive industry, companies such as Chrysler and Ford, which were at the time the icon of the industrial age, are today desfalleciendo and companies that depend on this sector are crumbling in simultaneous also. But curiously at the same time are emerging new companies that are taking an impressive force, creating fortunes to unsuspected levels and all of them are linked to the Internet to the digital age. It opens your mind to change, stop thinking that everything that happens around the crisis is negative, the crisis can be your best ally.

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    Siemens Power Generation

    While the operating results of Endesa Chile has been affected by the low hydrology and heavy fuel purchases in Chile, the appropriate trade policy and investment portfolio of high efficiency has enabled significantly alleviate these effects. This allows Endesa Chile to be in proper condition to face the coming challenges and transform them into opportunities for growth. Endesa is pursuing various investment projects mainly in Chile, Colombia and Peru. It also has provided investment projects in Argentina. In Chile, in mid-January 2008, Endesa completed the closure of the plant combined cycle San Isidro II, reaching a total capacity of 353 MW. In 2009, once it becomes available liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Chile, the plant will reach its full capacity of 377 MW. The entry into operation early this investment allowed to deliver in the first months of 2008, underpinning the local electrical system closely.

    Another important contribution of Endesa Chile for energy supply in Chile for the next few years was put into service (in March) Unit No. 1 Taltal plant of 120 MW of installed capacity, operating on diesel. Endesa is also participating in the Government’s initiative to diversify the energy matrix through the Quintero LNG project. In Peru, in January 2008, Endesa signed with Siemens Power Generation a contract “turnkey” for the installation of a turbine of 183 MW in central Santa Rosa, project with an investment of approximately U.S. $ 90 million. While in Colombia, is evaluating bids participate in power and energy scheduled for later this year in that market through the presentation of projects, such as developing the hydroelectric Quimbo, 400 MW plant located upstream of Bethany. In Argentina through its subsidiary Endesa Costanera SA and Hydro Chocon SA, the company has invested $ 160 million, including $ 42 million loan, meaning a 21% stake in the companies Jose Thermoelectric San Martin SA and Termoelectrica Manuel Belgrano SA, which are building two 800 MW combined cycle each. Endesa Chile is a company that also shows a commitment to the environment in developing renewable energy projects unconventional (URE) through its subsidiary Endesa Eco is already in commercial operation since December 2007 the Canela wind farm, which provides 18.15 MW to the SIC, and has undertaken the acquisition of adjoining land for an immediate extension of additional 60 MW around the park. Endesa Chile is one of those companies in which you can bet to take an investment portfolio with a horizon of medium to long term. We will meet again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo

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