Month: January 2018

    Intersolar Europe

    Intersolar Europe mass two-thirds of respondents biomass, solar and wind companies 2013 in Munich have no communication strategy, Cologne 11.06.2013. Only every third company in the renewable energy industry communicates strategically and purposefully. In particular PR managers of firms without a defined communication strategy complain about the missing concept and the lack of internal and financial support for communication activities. Although 74 percent of communication press and public relations consider important, but only a few of the companies surveyed provide a substantial budget for PR activities. Despite sales in the millions, it was half of the company at less than 10,000 euros per year.

    These are the first results of the ongoing study communication of biomass, solar and wind companies”Kar communications. The Agency on renewable energy and technology issues since 2004 provides the first results and trends of the study for the first time in the context of the Intersolar Europe on June 20, 2013 11:00 The public before. For PR work only who is strategically success control, defines its objectives and target groups, and precise messages developed its special strengths, will succeed with its communication”agency Iris Krampitz is convinced. With our study we want to demonstrate our experience of nine years press work in the renewable energy industry, which raise awareness among industry for strategic media and public relations and find out how strategically biomass, solar and wind companies already communicate.” For this, the Cologne Agency also checks whether the messages of the companies with the right target groups arrive. Since April 2013, Krampitz communications questioned the entrusted by biomass, solar and wind companies to their press – and public relations. How successful the communication work is being studied in the second part of the study. The final results and reports will be published in the fourth quarter of 2013. Questionnaire online Company spokesman and professionals can participate in the anonymous study until July 15, 2013. The questionnaire is available at to download.

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    European Telecommunications Standards Institute

    Systems must be protected proactively from intelligent attacks, rather than as previously only reactive measures to take. In this innovative IT security sector Germany is already pioneering, a reinforced implementation is however required,”says Prof. Norbert Pohlmann TeleTrusT Chairman and Director of the Institute for Internet security the Westfalische Hochschule. The other previously identified recommendations include: 1 strive for reasonable high level of IT security and strengthen IT security market:-commitment to adhere to industry-specific IT security standards in critical infrastructures – national routing the national communications services (E.g., IP, E-Mail, voice) – definition of measurable security goals for Germany (E.g. domain certification, email encryption) 2. strengthening the Evaluation capacity of IT security products: – review of product liability for IT security flaws – construction of certified IT security service providers to the assessment of IT security products expansion of the Federal Office for security in information technology to the competent accompaniment of the digitisation of society through increased consultation and certification capacities – German IT security industry actively expand 3.

    support in the provision of venture capital for IT security companies:-increased attention to national IT security interests for public subcontracting TeleTrusT Federal IT security association The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. Through the broad membership and partner organizations, TeleTrusT embodies the greatest competence network for security in Germany and Europe. TeleTrusT offers forums for Experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificates “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) and “TeleTrusT engineer for system security” (T.E.S.S.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin.

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    Managing Director

    transfluid developed the economical manufacture of pipe pipe bending machine concept for shipbuilding and prefabrication of piping systems in the shipbuilding industry is paying off. The Schmallenberger pipe bending machine manufacturer introduces especially his new concept of pipe bending machine for the shipbuilding industry. An interview with Benedikt Hummler, Managing Director and head of production and construction of transfluid, about the new development: Editorial: A pipe machine concept especially for the shipbuilding industry – how to get a Sauerland machine developers like you on such a solution? An individual customer request? Benedikt Hummler: No, it was more of a foreseeable need to realize this concept. The changes in the entire shipbuilding industry worldwide require new ideas, that in the long term contribute to securing an economic production. Here, a yard is exactly be regarded like any other industrial plant. If the objective economic solutions for the manufacture of a tube in the shipbuilding, it is insufficient only saws, Beveling machines, welding machines and pipe bending machines to develop. Editorial: But surely there are special features that are not as relevant in other industries in shipbuilding.

    Benedikt Hummler: Yes, certainly there are peculiarities, we could of course know and take into account accordingly in our new machine concept. We cooperate with renowned shipyards for many years. And the demand for new machinery solutions is not a typical German problem, but rather a worldwide. Editorial: What are these features? Benedikt Hummler: firstly of course the large pipe diameters. Furthermore, the frequent retrofitting of machines, due to the variety of materials and sizes.

    Also the many different geometries in low quantities is shipbuilding and the complex design software, used independently or externally to the part. And last but not least, still the adaptation works of pipe gradients that constructively, it can be captured and the additional need to Be flanges of pipes be taken into account. Editorial: As far as the concept.

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