Markup Language HTML
In ancient times, to convey to the masses of some of the information used by heralds and various forms of writing, as well as fine art. Over time, the possibility of presenting the information badly evolved. There were various "media": television, radio, countless newspapers, magazines, books, and finally the Internet. The Internet was originally divided into two camps: the e-mail and (World Wide Web). Many providers, Internet service providers deliberately separated these services are sold separately and internet access and email services and access to conferences usenet. In the end, the evolution of information put everything into place, and now most of today's Internet users do not have misconceptions about what services are provided Internet service provider.
The most convenient for conveying information to the masses was the WWW – World Wide Web, consisting of sites. On Web sites, owners have the opportunity to post your information so that anyone from anywhere can access it. The main standard Internet sites was (and remains to date) Markup Language HTML, allows you to write text and "mark" it, ie, affect how the text and create links to other texts or paragraphs of this text. On the one hand the simplicity of the language has enabled many people who have no special skills, post information on their websites. On the other – has complicated the work of professionals who create now using the language inherited the basic concept of the original HTML, full interactive sites and portals.
So, in short, can be developed as a modern WWW. However, despite the emergence of new technologies and continuous growth requirements for interactivity and ease of use (usability), the Internet is very much so-called "sites-sites" that are placed there by representatives of the dumping of the students or entrepreneurs are amateurs. If this site provides information about a person, a hobby or worldview – it's not so bad.