China Fortune Tower
Therefore, the key to a greener lifestyle is in the proper town planning. Newly developed districts should have a much higher density than in the past, to have experts, to create conditions through the integration of residential, business and leisure facilities as well as narrower streets and less parking space, under which it will not require a car. But above all is the key to a stronger awareness of sustainability education and greater involvement of local residents and investors to develop and to secure more support from the Chinese people. Among the many challenges for scientists, urban planners and other experts in China, the largest is still the lack of implementation of green building concepts. Numerous good plans be changed completely due to a variety of involved actors to the implementation.
Narrower streets and greenery soft wide roads and car parks. Here, from the perspective of experts, German solutions can help. Many years of experience in the area of energy-efficient construction and sustainable urban development can serve China as example and support the people’s Republic on their way to a greener development. Was organized the megacities “Conference by econet china, an initiative of the German/AHK of Chambers of Commerce abroad China, the German companies in the construction, energy and environment industry supports, to position itself on China’s Green markets. China econet about econet china is a service of the German/AHK of Chamber of Commerce China, supporting German companies in the construction, energy and environmental industries, to position itself on China’s Green markets. ECONet china has long-standing experience and intensive networks in China and supports German Companies of the first entry into the Chinese market to a strong, sustained market presence. Contact: Magali Menant Head of the Department building, energy & environment German industry and Commerce (Taicang) co. Ltd.