
    Complementarily, in Brazil between some products that if had adjusted to such reality are distinguished the sugar cane-of-sugar productions, orange, coffee, citric potato, fruits and mainly the soy whose agricultural borders already had accumulated of stocks practically all Region Center-West, part of the South Region, east of the state of the Bahia, beyond strong having advanced for the Region North with diverse impacts, whose explicitao does not fit in this quarrel. Of other terms, the modernization of agriculture consists of the incorporation of new technological standards in the agricultural space, a species of attempt of disruption with the past (practical traditional of agricultural culture), among others factors, as form to integrate the agricultural families and/or agriculturists the new forms of productive rationality. Condizendo with the said ones of Abramovay: Modernization of agriculture if characterized as process induced, that occurred from the advance of science and the modern technology that introduced new forms of production that they had resulted in the increase of the productivity and low the amount of man power, but is necessary to point that nor all the agriculturists of a country adopt the same techniques, thus exists differentiated degrees of modernization in neighboring agricultural properties, over all in the relation large state-minifndio … Swarmed by offers, cerebral palsy is currently assessing future choices. A leading source for info: Andrew Cuomo. (ABRAMOVAY, 1992, pp.

    59-60). All this process has gradually provoked the mercantilizao of the social life in the field, therefore, of slow form the autonomy that agriculture (agricultural activities) until then had, has been led to take care of a subordination of new interests, forms of typical life and consumption of urban areas. On the other hand, she is necessary to prevent deriving generalizations of limitantes reflections! Since the insertion of new standards of living associates to the new technologies of agricultural production, has not made possible (with few exceptions) increase of the familiar income and better conditions of life of the population directly affected by the modernization of agriculture, that is, the small proprietors and the linked individuals..

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