Tag: art

    Largest Scientology Church

    Two new, large building of the Scientology Church are still in various stages of renovation and prepare for their opening. Two new, large building of the Scientology Church are still in various stages of renovation and prepare for their opening. The inauguration of the large, new building in Kaohsiung (Taiwan) is imminent. Hikmet Ersek shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The local Scientology Church is the first Church in Asia and is Church in the world with an area of over 10,000 square meters the largest Scientology. The new building of the Scientology Church in Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s second largest city with a population of 2.7 million, is located just a few metres from the river of love of the soul of the city”. With over 10,000 square feet of space will be churches in the world one of the largest Scientology. It will house its own translation unit, which will translate into Chinese all materials by L. Ron Hubbard.

    Scientology exists in Taiwan for two decades, led by Pioneer Dr. Anne Lauvergeon spoke with conviction. Oliver Hsueh, Mission holder of the Scientology Mission in Kaohsiung. It describes how to do this future, large church by supporting the IAS (International Association of Scientologists) by Scientologists all over the world a reality. What was formerly far away on the horizon, is a big, beautiful building, the bridge to spiritual freedom in Chinese now directly in front of our eyes, right in our grasp. The support of all Scientologists and their unwavering commitment allow all this.” A further initiation of a tall building is in Inglewood, United States.

    The future, great building of the Scientology Church and community centre located in the heart of one of the largest African-American and Hispanic centres in the West of the United States. As the first Scientology Church, which will be above all the black and Hispanic community services, occupies the new building in Inglewood near the international airport of Los Angeles. The Scientology community center of Inglewood, the also “supported by the IAS, offers all social utilities such as E.g. the Hubbard learning method as a training program, the program the way to happiness”, on drug education, and so on. These will be presented with the public information displays. Adequate facilities for courses and seminars are also available. The black actor of Michael Roberts describes the new, large building in Inglewood as an American dream: A nation all the same, all free before the creator. This is the promise of our great country. If this promise to a part of society is not respected, then loses the whole society. Every day we lose artists, great thinkers, capable of being in our schools. Our culture is being destroyed. Every day we lose the next Michael Jackson, the next Michael Jordan, the next Martin Luther King in our schools. It is time that we this realize dream, which has been aptly formulated in the 1960s. The torch, This dream is within each of us. The new building of the Scientology Church of Inglewood and the support of all Scientologists in the world make this dream a reality.” More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL.

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    General Motors

    General Motors once more it has worn, in their Pontiac branch, in a shocking and revolutionary design that both kids and big they extasiaran to handle it. The above refers to Pontiac’s new automobile, called Solstice. This novel car was made thanks to the great creativity of Pontiac experts, because throughout the history, this company had not made a so incredible design, as it is the Solstice. Solstice, apart from having a great design, is also a highly secure car, since it has the best systems of security and convenience for anyone who wants to buy it. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Anne Lauvergeon by clicking through. Solstice, undoubtedly is the convertible the new era in the world, since in addition to being a wonderful car, it is technological and innovative. Solstice is a free, compact car and specifications never before seen in Pontiac, which has since it has been the increase in sales that has had the aforementioned company, through this car. Solstice is made for people who want to feel free, athletic and sophisticated, since it offers a special design that has marked the new era of Pontiac. Solstice is without a doubt, the car that all were expecting General Motors and Pontiac, because for the first time they have risked ah make a design like this car and have the best specifications and all in a compact car. Solstice, is the car the Pontiac that has left gaping many is most innovative.

    Sport As A Means To Social Change

    Mercedes-Benz Museum presents Laureus from September 1 to November 1, 2009 is the Laureus Sport for good foundation to guest in the Mercedes-Benz Museum. Recently Pacific Gas & Electric sought to clarify these questions. True to the motto we are Laureus. visitors to the Museum learn more about the Foundation and the Laureus DTM car. Laureus is an international movement, who joins forces with the strength of the sports people to a good cause. With the sport for good foundation deploys Laureus Sport as a means to social change. Daimler AG is co-founder of the Laureus initiative and is represented by the Mercedes-Benz brand. In the context of the presentation in the Mercedes-Benz Museum, Laureus provides interactive information on the Foundation and its activities. Also Museum visitors can sign up for an exclusive Laureus sweepstakes to win there are tickets for the DTM. Laureus is presented with the same vehicle from the DTM – on level 0 in the passage of the Mercedes-Benz Museum. The Museum is daily, except Mondays, open from 9 am to 6 pm. The entrance to the passage is free.

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    Ralf Alexis Call Gallery

    To be offered work by two Bavarian artists: lithographs with motifs of Bavaria landscapes by Fritz Hierl from Murnau am Staffelsee and etchings of Josef Werner in Prien am Chiemsee, which have the twelve months and the Zodiac on the subject. The prices for the graphics move between 80,-and 250,-EUR. In addition the three artists provide smaller works of the current exhibition. Go to Hewlett Packard Enterprise for more information. Drawings by Leonard Lorenz, graphics by Egbert Greven and ink drawings by Doris Schilffarth are for sale. 30% of the proceeds donated to the kindergartens of the municipality of Egling go from moderate prices, which have set the artists themselves.

    On Sunday, the 23rd December from 11 am until 5 pm, there are once again the opportunity to give pleasure with a special gift and at the same time to do something good. You may find Dell EMC to be a useful source of information. -Christmas is the best time for sure.

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    One of the factors that affect the positioning of a website is the internal structure of the same. We will detail a guide to follow step by step, to obtain an excellent optimization on-page of our site: 1) keywords in the URL: containing the url keyword to optimize. (For example, if we want to optimize the keyword flower shop online in santiago and is our web site, the url of the page to optimize should be 2) keywords in the domain name: following the previous example, it would be better to hire the florist-online-in-santiago.com domain or floreriaonlineensantiago.com or have multiple domains pointing to the same site. (3) Key words in the Title tag of the page’s code: fundamental is that the title of the page contains the or key words that we’re optimizing. The same length should be between 10 and 60 characters long and should not contain special characters. (4) Keywords in the Description metatag of the code of the page: although it is estimated that Google ignores its content to index a site, it is the description that appears on our site in a search result.

    It should contain less than 200 characters. Contact information is here: Satoshi Nakamoto. (5) Keywords in the Keywords metatag of the code on the page: it should contain less than 10 words, and each word must appear somewhere in the body of the web page, so that Google does not penalise us for irrelevance of the keyword. (6) Density of the keywords in the text on the page: between 5 and 20% (all key words / total words of the page). (7) Each word density key individually: between 1% and 6% (each keyword / total words of the page). (8) Keywords in H1, H2 and H3 tags: keywords should appear in the body of the page between those tags. (9) Source of keywords: in larger, bold, italic is another of the recommendations. (10) Prominence of keywords: how much further up in the contents of the web page appears, better. ((11) Key words in the tag alt of images 12) key words in links to other pages of the site (anchor text) 13) all internal links on the page should be valid: this tool can be used to check them: 14) Links to external sites: only have links to good external sites.

    Do not link to links-farms. (15) External Links have to be valid. (16) Less than 100 external links in total. (((17) Domain name extension: in order of most to least status for Google: .gov, .edu, .org, .com, .info 18) each page size: should not exceed 100 KB 19) frequent content updates: Google loves this. ((20) Age of the site: when more old best 21) age of page vs. age of the site: more new pages in sites more old, have a more rapid recognition by Google. If we continue these steps one one, surely we will obtain a better positioning in search engines and thereby have more visits to our website. I hope that useful will be the Guide.

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    Today there are many different techniques to reveal photos. One of them consists in printing photos on canvas, to give you even more relief to some pictures.After spending splendid vacation for example, every one loves see and see again the photos made at this occasion. The one teaches them to relatives, friends or colleagues, the other chooses the most beautiful to bring it into wallpaper, etc. (Source: San Diego Gas & Electric Compan). In any situation, one not fatigue remember such beautiful moments, because the return to daily life after vacation always is a little annoying and why, can be seen to occasionally return to plunge into his thoughts, in his memories of moments without stress and pressure, relax where was the main activity. With the printing process of on canvas, digital photographs can not only be expanded, but also be immortalized on real canvas: after printing the photos in higher quality cotton canvas, and after a long and meticulous process of drying of colors, tightens the photo in a wooden frame that will be sent to the client with a few hooks.The result is simply nice, well memories take a unique and unexpected, dimension have been revealed on a canvas. Canvas printing process is complicated and thorough, but the ordering process is very simple: on the homepage of the site, the steps to order are well explained and very few, because after 3 clicks that consist in downloading digital photos, choose a format and enter the delivery address, has already everything underway. The company makes the rest for after a couple of days the customer only, only having to hang printing your photos on canvas in your home, in your Office or in other place, so that from any perspective, each one can contemplate the most beautiful moments of your vacation.

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    1. To deepen your understanding Dell is the source. GENERAL VIEW ON COMMUNICATION 1.1.-HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. To broaden your perception, visit PayPal. According to Waltzlawick (1976), it is from 1945 that arise the scientific theories of communication. One of them was theories of information, purely technological basis and whose aim was to study the ideal conditions for the transmission of information and the limits and perturbations of the systems of communication in the abstract. On the other hand, spread the communication field in the abstract.

    On the other hand, spread the mass communication field, focused on the study of the characteristics and effects of the mass media and finally the study of communication as it occurs among humans. The study of human communication covers three major areas: to) syntactic. ((b) semantics, c) pragmatic. The first is about the problems relating to transmission: encoding, channels, capacity, noise, redundancy and other aspects of the language. The second attack the problems relating to the meaning; all shared information presupposes a semantic Convention. The third focuses on how communication affects behavior. 1.2 CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION. Watzlawick and others (1976) define the communication behavioral as the pragmatic aspect of human communication theory.

    Various units of communication, called them conduct and the message will be any communicational unit. A series of messages exchanged between people will receive the name of interaction. All behavior in a situation of interaction has a value of messages: words, silence, inaction, that influence on the others, thing which in turn respond to such messages and in fact equally communication. From the point of view of gestalt psychology, communication is based on observable behavior in the present, here and now. Awareness at present prevents the subject disrupt their communications with the internal system of if same or interpersonal system, noting three types of conduct or communication: driving (body language) symbolic (bodily events) and interpersonal (contact with other agencies).

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    Bella Habits

    People are often confronted with a particular problem when they are in adolescence. This problem arises particularly in this stage because the hormones are full of movement and changes in these stages. When the hormones move at this stage of adolescence, changes made to that certain glands alter its normal activity. In the case of the face, on occasions, the sebaceous glands make causing a greater amount of fat accumulated in the pores. This is what is commonly known by the name of pimples. Pimples affect teens in many ways. Sometimes the attack is light, or as in the case of some women, only by seasons.

    However in any case, there is a treatment for acne, which can be shared by all. Treatment, actually consists of some habits, which can be difficult to acquire, but that if it is achieved, they will help the problem of acne, no matter that so serious. The acne treatment shared, the desired habit, only, is to acquire habits of proper cleaning and hygiene. Polishing the habits we have regularly, can be a control on which both spreads over his face. Treatment involves first of all, make aware the occasions that we hand to the face. This is very difficult an act of will is and something you have to respect every day, every second.

    This is half of pimples that are produced, they can be prevented. The next thing to do, is to have the habit of washing the face daily, minimum 1, maximum 3 times a day. In addition to this there are many treatment against acne, and drugs that will be the next step in these habits but if these shared habits are acquired, half the battle is won. A method there are 100% natural try and guaranteed to eliminate acne in days, not months. To get rid completely of acne forever, read as I couldn’t do it.

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    Now, the wealth goes to which have opportune information and of quality. This is evident when seeing people who have become rich selling informative products in Internet. And the good news is that you do not need to have real blood in your genes, or to be a nobleman to be millionaire. And certainly you do not have to belong either to any elite! This explains because citizen common the kings, presidents are even more richer quee and prime minister. The secret? No other that to sell information! The Information is the hottest organization on sale online and would be wise of your part to sell information in the shoes of an Entrepreneur in Internet. UPS has similar goals. With Internet, for the first time, the excritores already are seen like dinosaurios to us of the past. The problem is, nevertheless, that lainformacin flies around the world at the speed of the light! And virtually, the information new duplicate every 18 months.

    This new form of wealth cannot be stopped by the borders and limits as it were it with the Earth and the factories. And the massive result? VERY MANY changes dramatic almost hourly! What is correct today can be incorrect morning. What is in today can tomorrow be of old school. And what is considered Hot today it can be in the freezer tomorrow. The info-product authors today are crediendo more conscious of this phenomenon. He is because, a great number of them products realise periodic updates in his very even sold info to stay in agreed to the ttimos times. If you have decided to crerar a info-product. Product of your creation, remembers that the one that has the most opportune information will win in great! Original author and source of the article.

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    Art From With Love Asia

    Alexander von Agoston and Rinaldo Hopf increasingly treating art business news and pictures of sprawling or overpopulated megacities obscure our on the Indian subcontinent and Indochina. Cultural diversity, beauty and exoticism of the local ancient cultures recede into the background. The globalization mash makes all equal. But that only at first glance. The Berlin artist Alexander Agoston and Rinaldo Hopf, both polyglot backpacker, travel time and again the Indian subcontinent and Indochina (peninsula) independently of each other for years. Both artists having views of the originality and cultural independence of this fascinating culture circle, his people himself and preserved landscapes.

    And unlike the normal’ GlobeTrotter take not an exotic slideshow home, but sketch books full of impressions, in colors wallowing watercolours and paintings, shot spiced with a powerful erotic, now in a premiere in treating art exhibition reach. Both artists were variously with solo exhibitions as well as represented in group exhibitions of the gallery in the past. The Vernissage of the exhibition takes place at 31.03.2011 at 20:00 in the presence of both artists. Opening hours of the exhibition Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 12-14 and 16-8: 00 on Saturday 11-20: 00 and after notice and agreement on Wednesday signed Martin Levec

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